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<br />City of San Leandro Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District No. 96-3 Page 1 <br />I. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS <br />The Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District No. 96-3 (the “District”) within the City <br />of San Leandro (the “City”), provides funding for services required to maintain public <br />improvements, located within various public areas within the boundaries of the District. <br /> <br />A. General Description of the Public Improvements <br />The total program of improvements which are the subject of the District are briefly <br />described as follows, and are more specifically described in Section I.B. <br /> <br />The operating, maintaining, servicing and replacing of the following public improvements, <br />located in the following public areas: <br /> <br />a) The Storm Water Lift Station and Detention Pond (SWLS&DP), located on <br /> Parcel "B" of Tract 6636, including accessory structures, access roads, walls, <br /> gates and fences, and drainage facilities; <br /> <br />b) The Storm Water Treatment Pond, located in Development Phase 1B (Tract <br /> 6648), including accessory outfall/inlet structures, access roads, fences, gates, <br /> drainage facilities, and pedestrian pathway; <br /> <br />c) The "Buffer" area and trail, exclusive of the passive park adjacent to Phase 2B <br /> (Tract 6809), including accessory improvements, fencing, signage, drainage <br /> facilities and landscaping, said facilities are located adjacent to the westerly <br /> boundaries of Phase 1B, 2B, and 3 (Tract 6810), and adjacent to the northerly <br /> boundaries of Phase 2B and 3; <br /> <br />d) Tidal marsh lands (commonly known as "North Marsh", "East Marsh" and <br /> "Bunker Marsh."); <br /> <br />e) Sound walls on both sides of Lewelling Boulevard, easterly from the Union <br /> Pacific railroad (UPRR) tracks to Wicks Boulevard, exclusive of that portion of <br /> the sound wall which is located on the property of the Sandev Mobile Home Park <br /> as an enclosure for a pad mounted electrical transformer; <br /> <br />f) Lewelling Boulevard improvements, including curb and gutter, sidewalk and <br /> landscaping, exclusive of any decorative street pavements, said facilities are <br /> located between the Lewelling Boulevard "roundabout" and Wicks Boulevard. <br /> <br />B. Detailed Description of Improvements within the District <br /> The following items are contained in the Agreement among Roberts Landing, Inc., <br /> d.b.a. Citation Homes Central, a California corporation, Santa Clara Land Title <br /> Company, and the City of San Leandro, said Agreement being dated April 15, 1996, <br /> said items to be funded by the Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment District: