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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: July 10, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 10.n. <br />Agenda Section: ATS Review <br />File Number: 23-268 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Loan for $150,229 in <br />Federal American Rescue Plan Act and Community Development Block Grant Program Funds to <br />Assist Building Futures with Women and Children with Phase 2 of the Rehabilitation of the San <br />Leandro Shelter located at 501 Davis Street <br />·Housing and Homelessness <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Building Futures with Women and Children (Building Futures) is ready to proceed with the <br />second phase of its renovation of the San Leandro Shelter, a 30-bed shelter located at St. <br />Leander Catholic Church in San Leandro. The goal of this capital project is to address normal <br />“wear and tear” to the building that was not addressed in the first phase of the rehabilitation <br />project completed over a year ago. The total loan amount includes two federal grant sources. <br />The first source of funding is from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for $85,000 . The <br />second source of funding was approved at a public hearing on June 21, 2022, when the FY <br />2022-2023 Annual Action Plan (AAP) for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD) was adopted by the City Council. In the plan, Council approved the <br />allocation of $65,229 in available Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program <br />funds. <br />Staff recommends that the City Council adopt this resolution to approve and authorize the City <br />Manager to execute a loan in the amount of $150,229 in Federal ARPA and CDBG program <br />Funds to assist Building Futures with Women and Children with the Rehabilitation of the San <br />Leandro Shelter located at 501 Davis Street. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City identified goals and priorities for spending its federal CDBG entitlement funds in the <br />5-Year Consolidated Plan for FY 2020-2024 submitted to the Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development in June 2020. This plan identified “Non-Housing Community <br />Development Projects” as a specific action area where CDBG funds be spent. In “Actions <br />Planned to Develop Institutional Structure” staff named capital improvement projects <br />conducted by area non-profit organizations that provide social services as a priority area that <br />CDBG funds should support. <br />Analysis <br />For over 30 years, Building Futures has helped thousands of women and children who come <br />to the San Leandro Shelter to build new lives after experiencing homelessness or domestic <br />violence. Building Futures’ main service is to shelter and support women and children who are <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/14/2023