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Q. “Police Chief” shall mean the Chief of Police of the San Leandro Police <br />Department. <br />R. “Presiding Officer” shall mean the Chair, Vice Chair, Chair Pro Tem, or whomever <br />else has been designated by the Board from among its membership to preserve <br />order and decorum during a Board meeting. <br />S. “Quorum” shall be as defined by SLMC Section 1-3-215 <br /> <br />CHAPTER 2 – PURPOSE <br /> <br />The purpose of the Board is to increase public trust, increase accountability, ensure that <br />police operations reflect community values, and, in cooperation with the Independent Police <br />Auditor, ensure prompt, impartial, and fair investigations of complaints brought by members <br />of the public against San Leandro Police Department employees, including but not limited to <br />complaints under California Penal Code section 832.5. <br /> <br />CHAPTER 3 – RULES OF PROCEDURE <br /> <br />ARTICLE 1 MEETINGS <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: REGULAR MEETINGS. <br /> <br />Regular meetings of the Community Police Review Board shall be held on the third <br />Wednesday of each month, convening at the hour of 6:00 p.m. Regular meetings shall end <br />at 7:30 p.m. If the Board’s business agenda cannot be concluded at the meeting upon <br />which it’s been scheduled, the duration of Board meetings may be extended by up to 30 <br />minutes when authorized by a majority vote of the Board. When the day or the day following <br />the day fixed for such regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, such meetings may be held at <br />such time as agreed upon by the Board in coordination with the City Clerk’s office and/or <br />the Board Secretary. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: SPECIAL MEETINGS. <br /> <br />Under extraordinary circumstances, the Chair of the Board may request special meetings of <br />the Board when the business of the Board cannot otherwise be completed during any of its <br />regular monthly meetings, or when special circumstances prevent unfinished agenda items <br />from being continued to the next regular Board meeting. Such requests shall require the <br />concurrence of any five (5) members of the Board with findings made that due to <br />extraordinary circumstances, it would be infeasible or impossible for the proposed agenda <br />topics for the special meeting to be discussed during an upcoming regular meeting. Written <br />notice of the time and place and the business to be transacted at such special meeting shall <br />be delivered by personal delivery, by mail, or by e-mail at least twenty-four (24) hours in <br />advance of such meeting to each member of the Board, to the City Manager, to the City <br />Clerk and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station <br />requesting notice in writing. No other business shall be considered at such special meeting. <br />Any staff support for any such special meetings must be expressly authorized by the City <br />Manager. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: MEETING PLACE. <br />