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description of the Board activities for the preceding year, status and outcome of policy <br />review and recommendations, any observed trends or data, community outreach efforts, <br />and attendance records of members. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: RELATIONSHIP WITH IPA. <br /> <br />The IPA serves as the law enforcement subject matter expert to the Board. The Board may <br />receive Penal Code Section 832.5 complaints and shall refer them for further review to the <br />IPA or the internal affairs/professional standards function of the Police Department. The <br />standard method by which such referrals shall be conducted is by directing the complainant <br />to the relevant website, email address or other identified contact information of the Board, <br />the IPA or the Professional Standards division of the Police Department. The IPA shall, if <br />appropriate, with the Police Chief’s and the specifically affected Police Department <br />personnel’s written consent, provide referrals for voluntary and confidential mediation of <br />specific complaints to community-based mediation services provided by trained or certified <br />mediators. The Independent Police Auditor shall assist the board with classifying Penal <br />Code Section 832.5 complaints; analyze local, State, and national police data and trends; <br />make expert recommendations. At the City Manager’s discretion, the IPA may further assist <br />the Board in developing its workplan and annual report, including providing aggregated data <br />related to IPA actions and police personnel complaints, or may refer policy matters to the <br />Board with a recommendation for review when in the IPA’s judgement such review is <br />warranted. The IPA will also, in collaboration with the City Manager, support the Board’s <br />public outreach activities. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: POLICY REVIEW OR REQUESTS FOR DATA OR INFORMATION. <br /> <br /> <br />Access to Records, Information and Data: The Board may initiate requests to the City <br />Manager or Police Chief for any records, information, or data needed to conduct its policy <br />review function. Such requests shall be made during a public meeting and submitted in <br />writing, with the approval of the majority vote of the Board. Responses to such information <br />requests shall be provided consistent with the City’s standard practices for California Public <br />Records Act requests. <br /> <br />Policy Review and Recommendations: The Board or the IPA may monitor, review, and <br />provide input on Police Department policies, and receive reports from the Police <br />Department on policies that indicate a need for review based on trends and data or that are, <br />in the judgment of the majority of the Board, of compelling community-wide concern. The <br />Board shall present recommendations regarding police policies in writing to the Police <br />Chief. The Police Chief or their designee will respond in writing, with reasons stated if <br />modified or not accepted. During the first two years since the Board’s initial formation, such <br />responses will be provided within 90 days following receipt of the request, and the Police <br />Chief will respond sooner when practicable. This 90-day timeline shall be revisited to <br />determine if a shorter review period is feasible after the conclusion of the initial two-year <br />period. The City Manager shall receive recommendations modified or not approved by the <br />Chief. Any responses shall be included in the Board’s annual report to the City Council. The <br />Board may submit a written response to any denied or modified recommendations to the <br />City Manager for their consideration and response. The City Manager will respond to such <br />requests within the next two subsequent regular meetings of the Board. The records of all