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File Number: 23-349 <br />reduction in revenue of such state, territory, or tribal/local government due to the COVID-19 <br />public health emergency relative to revenues collected in the most recent full fiscal year of <br />the state, territory, or tribal government prior to the emergency. <br />4)Infrastructure Investments: To make necessary investments in water, sewer, or <br />broadband infrastructure. <br />ARPA funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. If obligated by December 31, 2024, <br />agencies have until December 31, 2026, to incur the costs. <br />Recovery Plan <br />Approximately $18.5 million of the $18.6 million funding allocation, has been programmed by the <br />City Council since fiscal year 2021-2022 to fund important programs such as streets and roads, <br />parks and recreation facilities, human services, library services, and infrastructure. As the City <br />continues to implement the various projects and programs, there will be adjustments to reflect <br />program needs/funding status. Staff is planning to present adjustments to the Council during <br />fiscal year 2023-2024. <br />The City Council has directed the guiding principles below for the use of ARPA funds, and the <br />Recovery Plan was developed based on these guiding principles. The proposed projects and <br />programs are intended to improve community wellbeing and help residents and businesses to <br />recover from the combined health, social, and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />The Recovery Plan aligns with the community’s values and focuses on working with our key <br />partners including nonprofit organizations and other business partners to maximize community <br />recovery. <br />Guiding Principles <br />·Recover lost revenues first <br />·Maximize investments for the community <br />·Assess City operations and community needs <br />·Meet City Council priorities <br />·Partner with nonprofits and other organizations <br />·Use one-time funding for one-time expenditures <br />·Use restricted resources first <br />The Recovery Plan focuses on short-term community and economic recovery efforts and <br />long-term sustainable investments in San Leandro. The spending categories include community <br />health and safety, human services, community and economic recovery, and infrastructure <br />enhancements. <br />Implementation Status <br />Attachment A to the staff report presents the implementation status for each project. Many of the <br />projects started in fiscal year 2021-2022, and they are in different project phases including <br />planning/assessment and implementation. Below are highlights of the implementation status for <br />some projects. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/12/2023