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File Number: 23-332 <br />Staff recommends that the project replace the pool surface, damaged portions of the deck, and in <br />water play structure as well as renovate the water slide. Further, staff recommends replacing the <br />splash play with a concrete deck and seating. The water system for the existing splash play area <br />is inoperable and the system doesn’t meet current best practices for sanitation. An upgrade to <br />the water system requires significant work and cost. <br />Additional funding is required to complete the renovation work. Although the cost of the pool <br />resurfacing is within the existing budget , staff recommends repairing all the deficient items at this <br />time. The total cost of repairs to the pool plaster, deck, play structure, and water slide are <br />estimated at $2,875,000. <br />Current policy dictates that existing facilities should be maintained before new facilities are built. <br />Staff recommends shifting $2,325,000 of existing funding from the new competition pool project <br />to maintenance of the existing Family Aquatic Center. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Capital Improvement Program Policy: Priority is given to items at failure and public safety assets . <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />This item was presented to the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee in June <br />2023. Mayor Gonzalez was in favor of the staff recommendation to replace the splash play with a <br />concrete deck and seating. Councilmember Azevedo voted in favor of deferring a design for a <br />possible upgrade. Councilmember Simon was absent. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />GOAL OSC-1 Maintain and improve San Leandro’s parks and recreational facilities . <br />Environmental Review <br />This project is categorically exempt per section 15301 - existing facilities. A notice of exemption <br />will be filed with the county recorder prior to bidding the work. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This multi funded project will require reappropriation of funds from the Family Aquatic Center <br />Competition Pool to the Manor Park Pool Renovation Project. Sufficient funds are included in the <br />Fiscal Year 2023-2024 General Fund budget for the work. <br />·Capital Improvement Fund, Account 210-62 -002:$1,000,000 <br />·Funds appropriated by this action to 210-62-002:$5,200,000 <br />·Total $6,200,000 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/12/2023