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51. Illuminated exit signs shall be provided indicating the means of egress route. <br />52. An address shall be provided that can be seen from the street and have a contrasting <br />background. <br />53. A Knox box shall be provided for fire department access to the building and through gates. <br />54. A pedestrian access gate shall be provided from the loading dock area to the public way. <br />VII. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES <br />55. The storage of hazardous materials in quantities equal to or greater than 55 gallons, 200 <br />cubic feet or 500 pounds and generation of any amount of hazardous waste requires <br />submittal of a Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP). HMBP submittal shall be <br />completed via the Cal EPA CERS online database (hops:// HMBP <br />shall be submitted prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or final of a business <br />license, whichever occurs first. The plan is subject to the review and approval of <br />Environmental Services. <br />56. The property currently has an HMBP on CERS for the 1815 Williams Street. HMBPs are <br />site specific, so an additional HMBP shall be developed if the newly developed property <br />is required to have an HMBP. <br />57. If the facility will handle materials subject to the California Accidental Release Prevention <br />(CaIARP) Program, a Risk Management Plan (RMP) shall be submitted prior to the date <br />the regulated substance is first present in a process above the threshold quantity. Per <br />Government Code Section 65850.2, the City shall not approve the building permit until a <br />determination of applicability has been made based on information provided by the <br />applicant to the Environmental Services Section. The requirement to submit an RMP to <br />the Environmental Services Section shall be met prior to the issuance of a certificate of <br />occupancy or its equivalent. <br />58. Should the type and quantity of refrigerant require meeting the statutory requirement of <br />the CA Accidental Release Program (CaIARP) and/or Federal Risk Management Program <br />(FedRMP); the program elements timelines shall be met and the program in place prior to <br />charging the new system. <br />59. Air discharge permits required by either the Bay Area Air Quality Management District <br />(BAAQMD) or CA Air Resources Board (CARB), including those for but not limited to <br />refrigerants, diesel generators, diesel ASTs, diesel -powered condensers and/or any other <br />equipment or process on site, shall be active prior to issuance of the final certificate of <br />occupancy. <br />60. The storage of petroleum products, including mixtures with any concentration of <br />petroleum, in a quantity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons as an aggregate of all <br />individual aboveground "tanks" equal to or greater than 55 gallons shell capacity <br />(including drums, tanks, containers, totes, oil -filled electrical equipment, oil -filled <br />manufacturing equipment and oil -filled operational equipment), the facility must comply <br />with the requirements of the CA Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) as required <br />in Chapter 6.67 of the CA Health & Safety Code and implement a Spill Prevention Control <br />and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) in conformance with 40 CFR 112. <br />61. Required secondary containment for hazardous materials storage shall comply with Table <br />5004.2.2 of the 2019 California Fire Code. <br />Conditions of Approval April 11, 2022 <br />PLN21-0026 1815 Williams Street Page 6 of 10 <br />