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62. Flammable and combustible hazardous material storage shall comply with Chapter 57 of <br />the 2019 California Fire Code. <br />63. No outdoor activities shall be conducted on the site that would create an illicit discharge <br />to the storm water collection system, including the street curb & gutter. Any outdoor <br />activities that create a potential for pollutant exposure to storm water shall be mitigated <br />by the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) with the first preference being having <br />the activity indoors. This includes BMPs to eliminate dragging dirt/mud from the unpaved <br />lot onto Bigge Street. <br />64. Containerized management of trash, solid waste, and recyclables shall be required to <br />prevent exposure to or contamination of rainwater runoff. <br />65. The storage of materials or installation of processes and/or equipment outdoors may place <br />the facility into the General Industrial Stormwater Permit program and require submittal <br />to the State Water Resources Control Board a Notice of Intent (NOI) to comply with the <br />Statewide General Industrial Facility Permit. Elimination of exposure to stormwater of <br />materials or activities by relocating indoors, covering, or utilizing engineered controls is <br />highly recommended. If an NOI filing is required, it must be submitted prior to the finaling <br />of the building permit or issuance of the certificate of occupancy. A copy of the NOI shall <br />be provided to the City's' Environmental Services office. <br />66. The generation or discharge of wastewaters, other than domestic sewage, may require a <br />pretreatment permit for discharge to the sanitary sewer. If the truck wash operations are <br />for external washing only that does not include engine undercarriages, a permit will likely <br />not apply. If the truck wash operations include degreasing or engine cleaning, a permit <br />will likely be required. Additional information will be needed in the building permit <br />submittal. If a permit is required, submittal of an application to the Environmental <br />Services Section is required prior to building permit final or commencing the discharge, <br />whichever occurs first. Pretreatment program information and permit application forms <br />are available on the City's website at <br />hqs://www.sanleandro.or /ddepts/pw/env/envsewer.asp. <br />67. Accessible and secure monitoring facilities shall be constructed at the site's final <br />combined sanitary sewer outfall to allow for the City to install sampling equipment and <br />collect wastewater samples to determine the facility's compliance with wastewater <br />discharge regulations. <br />68. Properly sized grease interceptors shall be installed and maintained to pretreat discharges <br />from food handling facilities to the sanitary sewer. No domestic sewage may discharge <br />through grease interceptors. <br />69. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks, and systems shall comply with applicable <br />Chapters, including Chapters 50, 53, 55, 61 and 63 of the California Fire Code or <br />applicable adopted code at time of construction. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, <br />and tanks shall be secured to prevent falling due to contact, vibration, or seismic activity <br />per Fire Code acceptable methods. Cylinders may be stored outside in secure gated and <br />locked enclosures within the exempt amounts listed in the Fire Code. <br />70. Hazardous waste generated on site shall be handled and disposed pursuant to applicable <br />local, state and federal law. Hazardous waste includes materials such as used oil and spent <br />lead acid batteries. Generators of hazardous waste must register with the City's <br />Conditions of Approval April 11, 2022 <br />PLN21-0026 1815 Williams Street Page 7 of 10 <br />