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and one recycling bin of similar size. If required, enclosure must also accommodate a <br />separate container for the collection of organics (food scraps, compostable paper, and plant <br />debris). <br />68. Applicant and/or Property Owner must provide keys or cards to the franchised waste for any <br />locked gates. If keys or cards are not provided, then the Applicant and/or Property Owner <br />must ensure that all secured gates are open at 3:OOam for collection. <br />69. Applicant and/or Property Owner is subject to Alameda County Mandatory Recycling <br />Ordinance. For more information, visit City of San Leandro <br />trash enclosure guidelines for commercial establishments are available at: <br />https://www.sanleandro.orq/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?blobid=15084. <br />VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES <br />70. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. All mitigation measures identified in the <br />adopted Environmental Impact Report shall be included and are hereby incorporated as <br />Conditions of Approval. Said mitigation measures are listed in the Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Program and the developer shall comply with and implement all provisions of said <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The applicant shall provide a copy of the <br />Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to all construction contractors prior to <br />commencement with demolition of the property. The developer shall be responsible for <br />compensating the City of San Leandro for costs associated with the enforcement and <br />monitoring of the required mitigation measures prior to issuance of a Certificate of <br />Occupancy. <br />71. Building Documentation. The applicant shall prepare archival documentation of as -built and <br />as -found conditions of the property at 1919 Williams St. Prior to issuance of demolition <br />permits, the City of San Leandro shall ensure that documentation of the buildings and <br />structures proposed for demolition is completed that follows the general guidelines of <br />Historic American Building Survey (NABS) -Level III documentation. The documentation <br />shall include high resolution digital photographic recordation, a historic narrative report, and <br />compilation of historic research. The documentation shall be completed by a qualified <br />architectural historian or historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional <br />Qualifications Standards for History and/or Architectural History (36 CFR Part 61). The <br />original archival -quality documentation shall be offered as donated material to organizations <br />and repositories that will make it available for current and future generations, including the <br />City of San Leandro and the San Leandro Historical Society where it would be available to <br />local researchers. Prior to the issuance of demolition permits, the City shall confirm <br />documentation has been provided to all applicable organizations, including the City of San <br />Leandro and the Historic Review Board. <br />72. Unanticipated Discovery of Archaeological Resources. Given the nature of the proposed <br />improvements (i.e., no subterranean components) and existing site conditions, project - <br />related ground disturbance (i.e., excavations) would not be anticipated to include ground <br />disturbance in previously undisturbed areas and would thus be unlikely to impact native <br />(intact) fossiliferous deposits. However, if cultural resources are encountered during ground - <br />disturbing activities, work within 50 feet of the find shall be halted, and an archaeologist <br />meeting the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualifications Standards for archaeology <br />(National Park Service 1983) shall be contacted immediately to evaluate the find (i.e., <br />whether it is a "historical resource" or a "unique archaeological resource"). If the discovery <br />proves to be significant under CEQA, additional work, recommended by the qualified <br />archaeologist, the City, and if appropriate, local Native American Tribes, such as resource <br />avoidance, or, where avoidance is infeasible in light of project design or layout or is <br />unnecessary to avoid significant effects, data recovery excavation, Native American <br />A-reement to Conditions June 2, 2022 <br />PLN20-0044 Page 8 of 12 <br />