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14. The Applicant and/or Property Owner shall comply with the regulations and provisions <br />contained in the City's Grading Ordinance, the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention <br />Permit, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. More information may be found at <br /> Storm water runoff from this site will need to be treated before <br />it enters the storm drain system. <br />15. The Applicant and/or Property Owner shall comply with the regulations and provisions <br />contained in the City's Grading Ordinance, the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention <br />Permit, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. More information may be found at <br /> Storm water runoff from this site will need to be treated before <br />it enters the storm drain system. <br />16. The Applicant and/or Property Owner shall comply with the following high standards for <br />sanitation during construction of improvements: Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and <br />debris piles shall be removed on a minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such <br />as wrappers, cans, bottles, and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only <br />and shall be regularly removed from the site. Inspections, conducted as part of the regular <br />construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure compliance of the Applicant and/or <br />Property Owner and contractors with this requirement <br />17. Sidewalks and parking lots shall be swept regularly to minimize the accumulation of litter <br />and debris. Steam cleaning or low volume pressure washing may be performed only after <br />pre -cleaning using dry methods, spot cleaning and recover in stained areas and removal of <br />all mobile pollutants. Debris resulting from pressure washing shall be trapped and collected <br />to prevent entry into the storm drain system. Wash water containing any soap, cleaning <br />agent or degreaser shall not be discharged to the storm drain. <br />18. All outdoor storage of parts and equipment shall be raised and covered. <br />19. The Project shall provide a roofed and enclosed area for dumpsters, recycling containers, <br />compactors, and food waste containers. The area shall be designed to prevent water run- <br />on to the area and runoff from the area and to contain litter and trash, so that it is not <br />dispersed by the wind or runoff during waste removal. <br />20. Interior floor drains shall be plumbed to the sanitary sewer system and shall not be <br />connected to storm drains. <br />21. All on -site storm drains must be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned at least once a year <br />immediately prior to the rainy season. Additional cleaning may be required by the City. <br />22. Label /stencil each drain inlet to remind workers and customers that dumping is not allowed. <br />23. Wastewater from vehicle and equipment washing operations shall not be discharged into <br />the storm drain system. <br />24. Commercial/industrial facilities having vehicle/equipment cleaning needs shall either <br />provide a roofed, bermed area for washing activities or discourage vehicle/equipment <br />washing by removing hose bibs (faucets) and installing signs prohibiting such uses. <br />Vehicle/equipment washing areas shall be paved, designed to prevent run-on to or runoff <br />from the area, and plumbed to drain to the sanitary sewer. A sign shall be posted indicating <br />the location and allowed uses in the designated wash area. The Applicant and/or Property <br />Owner shall contact the contact City of San Leandro Wastewater Pollution Control Plant for <br />specific connection and discharge requirements. <br />Agreement to Conditions June 2, 2022 <br />PLN20-0044 Page 5 of 12 <br />