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b. Fire lane signs shall be posted immediately adjacent to and visible from <br />designated fire lane areas. Signs shall meet Caltrans specification standards <br />(R26F CA). <br />c. Signs shall be required at the beginning of the designated fire lane area, at <br />the end of the designated area, and in between so such signs are Clearly <br />visible. <br />VI11. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES <br />37. Any changes that affect the information reported in the site's Hazardous <br />Materials Business Plan in the California Environmental Reporting System <br />(CERS ID: 10414651) require update and resubmittal of the Plan. Per <br />Government Code Section 65850.2, the City shall not issue a final certificate of <br />occupancy or its equivalent until the HMBP requirements are met. The <br />resubmittal requirement will be an Environmental Services condition of approval <br />for the building permit final. <br />38. Discharge of anything other than rainwater to the stormwater collection system, <br />which includes area drains, sidewalks, parking areas, street curb and gutter, is <br />prohibited. <br />39. The elimination of outdoor exposure of materials, processes, or equipment to the <br />maximum extent practicable is necessary to prevent contamination of rainwater. <br />Exposures that cannot be eliminated require use of Best Management Practices <br />(BMPs), both engineered and administrative, to prevent any exposure from <br />impacting rainwater runoff. <br />40. The generation or discharge of wastewaters, other than domestic sewage, may <br />require a pretreatment permit for discharge to the sanitary sewer. More <br />information is required regarding the intensity of use for the wash bay to make a <br />determination. Will the wash bay be used solely for exterior (non -undercarriage) <br />washing, or will it include undercarriage and/or engine cleaning? If a permit is <br />required, submittal of an application to the Environmental Services Section is <br />required prior to finaling the building permit or commencing the discharge, <br />whichever occurs first. Pretreatment program information and permit application <br />forms are available on the City's website at <br /> Please note that mop <br />sinks will be required to be plumbed to the sand/oil separator. <br />41. If the facility stores petroleum products, including mixtures with any <br />concentration of petroleum, in a quantity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons <br />as an aggregate of all individual aboveground "tanks" equal to or greater than 55 <br />gallons shell capacity (including drums, tanks, containers, totes, oil -filled <br />electrical equipment, oil -filled manufacturing equipment and oil -filled operational <br />equipment), the facility shall comply with the requirements of the CA <br />Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA) in Chapter 6.67 of the CA Health <br />& Safety Code and develop and implement a Spill Prevention, Control, and <br />Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) in conformance with 40 CFR 112. <br />42. Accessible and secure monitoring facilities (sampling manhole) shall be <br />constructed at the site's final combined sanitary sewer outfall to allow for the City <br />Exhibit B: Conditions of Approval February 3, 2022 <br />PLN20-0024 1788 Fairway Drive Page 6 of 8 <br />