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4. The Project and use shall: remain in substantial compliance with the approved <br />plans and exhibits. Proposed changes to the Conditional Use Permit or the <br />approved plans shall be made in writing to the Zoning Enforcement Official, who <br />may either administratively approve a minor modification or bring it back to the <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments for review. <br />II. PERMITTED USE <br />5. Scope of Work. The approval of the Conditional Use Permit and a Parking <br />Exception application allows for a Supermarket with public access and delivery <br />to operate in conjunction with a Warehouse and Distribution Facility on the <br />subject Property zoned Industrial General (IG) located at 1788 Fairway Drive <br />(Prologis). This approval includes the sale of alcoholic beverages for off -site <br />consumption. <br />III. USE RESTRICTIONS <br />6. Parking. The Project shall be subject to the minimum parking requirements <br />provided in the parking and traffic study dated November 9, 2021 by DKS <br />Associates. There shall be a minimum of 81 parking spaces available for the <br />warehouse and distribution space and one parking space available for the <br />supermarket use. <br />7. ABC Licensing. Tenant and/or property owner shall obtain the necessary permits <br />for off sale of alcoholic beverages in the City of San Leandro and any necessary <br />permits required under State law or regulations. <br />8. No On -Site Alcohol Consumption. No alcoholic beverages shall be consumed <br />on the subject property. <br />9. No Temporary Sales. Temporary or mobile third -party vendors shall be <br />prohibited from operating tent sales or sidewalk sales on the premises. <br />10. No Outdoor Merchandise. No merchandise shall be stored or permitted for <br />display outdoors. <br />11. Loading and Unloading. Loading and unloading from the parking lot and loading <br />docks shall be conducted in a measured and organized manner. Delivery <br />scheduling shall be monitored and metered to avoid site congestion so that the <br />number of delivery vehicles do not exceed the capacity of the designated parking <br />spaces and loading areas at any given time. <br />12. Alcoholic Beverage Advertising. No alcoholic beverage advertising shall be <br />visible from outside the building in which the alcoholic beverage is sold. <br />13. Alcoholic Beverage Delivery. The licensee authorized by the California <br />Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control ("ABC") shall be responsible for the <br />sale and delivery of alcoholic beverages from the site. All employees, contractors <br />and persons who participate in the sale and delivery of alcoholic beverages from <br />this facility shall validate customer age at the point of sale and point of delivery <br />to ensure that alcoholic beverages are sold and received by customers age 21 <br />or over. <br />Exhibit B: Conditions of Approval February 3, 2022 <br />PLN20-0024 1788 Fairway Drive Page 2 of 8 <br />