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j. Applicant shall select pest- and 'disease -resistant plants. <br />k. Applicant shall plant a diversity of species to prevent a potential pest <br />infestation from affecting the entire landscaping plan. <br />I. Applicant shall plant "insectary" plants in the landscaping to attract and <br />keep beneficial insects. <br />m. Storage areas containing non -hazardous liquids shall be covered by a <br />roof and drain to the sanitary sewer system, and be contained by berms, <br />dikes, liners, vaults or similar spill containment devices. <br />29. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department for any work within the public right-of-way. <br />Contractors must be properly licensed, have a valid Business License, and <br />submit proof of insurance. Applicable fees/deposits must be paid. <br />30. The notes below shall be included on the Improvement Plans submitted for <br />permitting: <br />a. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering <br />and Transportation Department for any work within the public right-of-way <br />including the use of lifting equipment or the staging of materials. <br />Barricades, traffic cones, and/or caution ribbon shall be positioned around <br />any equipment or materials within the right-of-way to provide a barrier to <br />public access and assure public safety. Any damage to the right-of-way <br />improvements must be promptly repaired by the applicant according to <br />City adopted standards. <br />b. The applicant shall comply with the following high standards for sanitation <br />during construction of improvements: garbage cans, construction <br />dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on a minimum weekly <br />basis. All food related trash items such as wrappers, cans, bottles, and <br />food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only and shall be <br />regularly removed from the site. Inspections, conducted as part of the <br />regular construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure compliance <br />of the Applicant and contractors with this requirement. <br />c. The applicant shall implement construction best management practices <br />during construction to control erosion, keep sediment from leaving the <br />project site and prevent storm water pollution. The applicant shall protect <br />existing storm drain inlets and conveyances within the project area to <br />prevent sediment from construction activities entering the storm drain <br />system. <br />31. A Grading Permit will be necessary for the project. The requirements for said <br />permit are indicated in San Leandro Municipal Code §7-12. The permit will be <br />issued prior to or concurrent with the Building Permit. The San Leandro Municipal <br />code can be found at code.asp. <br />The geotechnical engineer of record shall certify that the design of site <br />improvements conforms to recommendations from the Geotechnical <br />Investigation. <br />Conditions of Approval May 2, 2022 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Dr Page 6 of 15 <br />