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57. Photovoltaic electrical system is required for each new single family residence. <br />VII. ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />58. A formal plan check review will be completed at time of building permit submittal. <br />The building and parking lot will need to comply with all building and fire code <br />requirements in effect at time of building permit submittal. <br />59.A fire protection system meeting the requirements of NFPA 13D shall be <br />provided in every single family dwelling. <br />60. Smoke alarms shall be provided per the CBC 2019 edition. <br />61. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed per the CFC 2019 edition. <br />62. The width of a fire access route shall be a minimum of 20 feet with no obstruction <br />within the fire access or above the fire access route. It is 28 feet with parking on <br />one -side and 36 feet with parking on both sides. <br />63. Fire hydrants shall be provided per Appendix C of the CFC 2019 edition and flow <br />a minimum of a 1,000 gpm minute at 20 psi. <br />64.An address shall be illuminated, visible, and have a contrasting color. <br />65.All areas designated as part of fire access, including roads, driveways, turnouts, <br />turnaround areas, and fire ground operation areas, when required to be posted <br />as fire lanes, shall be in the accordance with the following: <br />a. Fire lane areas shall be clearly marked with red striping no less than 6 inches <br />in width, running along the edge of the roadway. Painted upon the red <br />striping, in white letters no less than 6 inches in height, shall be the words <br />"FIRE LANE" at 20-foot intervals. For curbs, red striping shall be provided <br />along the face and top of the curb. In white letters, the word "Fire Lane", no <br />smaller than 4 inches in height, shall be painted on the face of the curb every <br />30 feet. <br />b. Fire lane signs shall be posted immediately adjacent to and visible from <br />designated fire lane areas. Signs shall meet Caltrans specification standards <br />(R26F CA). <br />c. Signs shall be required at the beginning of the designated fire lane area, at <br />the end of the designated area, and in between so such signs are Clearly <br />visible. <br />VIII. PUBLIC WORKS <br />66. The Applicant is subject to Alameda County Mandatory Recycling <br />Ordinance#2012-01. For more information, visit <br />67. The Project must comply with all City and State construction and demolition <br />debris recycling requirements. Permit applicants must demonstrate compliance <br />by completing and submitting an online Waste Management Plan using Green <br />Halo Systems ( prior to permit issuance. <br />Applicants must submit recycling and disposal receipts online and submit the <br />waste management report before scheduling the final inspection. Note: Project <br />Conditions of Approval May 2, 2022 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Dr Page 9 of 15 <br />