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for birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and the California <br />Fish and Game Code. <br />a. Implementation of the following avoidance and minimization measures <br />would minimize <br />b. impacts to raptors and other nesting birds. <br />c. To prevent impacts to the Fish and Game Code and/or MBTA-protected <br />birds, nesting raptors, and their nests, removal of trees shall be limited to <br />only those necessary to construct the proposed project. <br />d. If possible, construction work (including tree and vegetation removal) <br />should occur outside the nesting season (generally between February 1 <br />and August 31). If construction (including tree and vegetation removal) <br />cannot be conducted outside the nesting season, pre -construction <br />surveys shall be conducted not less than 7 days before the start of work <br />to verify the absence of active nests. <br />e. If an active nest of a special -status bird species is located during <br />preconstruction surveys, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service <br />(USFWS) and/or California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) (as <br />appropriate) shall be notified regarding the status of the nest. <br />f. For nests of all species protected under Fish and Game Code, <br />construction activities shall be restricted as necessary to avoid <br />disturbance of the nest until it is abandoned, or the agencies deem <br />disturbance potential to be minimal. Restrictions may include <br />establishment of exclusion zones (no ingress of personnel or equipment <br />at a minimum radius of 100 feet around an active raptor nest and an <br />appropriate radius around an active migratory bird nest depending on the <br />species) or alteration of the construction schedule. <br />g. A qualified Biologist shall delineate the buffer using nest buffer signs, <br />environmentally sensitive area fencing, pin flags, and/or flagging tape. <br />The buffer zone shall be maintained around the active nest site(s) until <br />the young have fledged and are foraging independently. <br />Furthermore, the project would include pre -construction surveys for roosting <br />bats as recommended in Appendix BIO. While unlikely, the vacant structures <br />on -site could provide roosting habitat for special -status bat species. Potential <br />direct and indirect impacts could occur to roosting bats during project <br />construction due to the removal of potential roosting habitat. These activities <br />could potentially subject bats to risk of death or injury, and they are likely to <br />avoid using the area until such construction activities have dissipated or <br />ceased. Relocation, in turn, could cause hunger or stress among individual <br />bats by displacing them into adjacent territories belonging to other <br />individuals. Implementation of the following avoidance and minimization <br />measures would minimize impacts to roosting bats. <br />A qualified biologist would conduct a survey for special -status bats during the <br />appropriate time of day to maximize detectability to determine whether bat <br />species are roosting near the work area no less than 7 days and no more <br />Conditions of Approval May 2, 2022 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Dr Page 11 of 15 <br />