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than 14 days prior to beginning ground disturbance and/or construction. <br />Survey methodology may include visual surveys of bats (e.g., observation of <br />bats during foraging period), inspection for suitable habitat, bat sign (e.g., <br />guano), or use of ultrasonic detectors (e.g., Anabat). Visual surveys would <br />include trees within 100 feet of project construction activities. Not more than <br />2 weeks prior to building demolition, the project applicant will retain a qualified <br />biologist to survey buildings proposed for demolition for the presence of <br />roosting bats or evidence of bats. If no roosting bats or evidence of bats are <br />found in the structure, demolition may proceed. If the biologist determines or <br />presumes bats are present (if there are site access issues or structural safety <br />concerns), the biologist shall exclude the bats from suitable spaces by <br />installing one-way exclusion devices. After the bats vacate the space, the <br />biologist shall close off the space to prevent recolonization. Building <br />demolition shall only commence after the biologist verifies 7 to 10 days later <br />that the exclusion methods have successfully prevented bats from returning. <br />To avoid impacts on nonvolant (i.e., nonflying) bats, the biologist shall only <br />conduct bat exclusion and eviction from May 1 through October 1. Exclusion <br />efforts shall be restricted during periods of sensitive activity (e.g., during <br />hibernation or while females in maternity colonies are nursing young). <br />74. MM HAZ-1 Soil Management Plan for Impacted Soils. If impacted soils or other <br />impacted wastes are present at the project site, the project applicant will retain a <br />qualified environmental consultant (PG or PE), to prepare a Soil Management <br />Plan (SMP) prior to construction. The SMP, or equivalent document, will be <br />prepared to address onsite handling and management of impacted soils or other <br />impacted wastes, and reduce hazards to construction workers and offsite <br />receptors during construction. The plan must establish remedial measures <br />and/or soil management practices to ensure construction worker safety, the <br />health of future workers and visitors, and the off -site migration of contaminants <br />from the site. These measures and practices may include, but are not limited to: <br />a. Stockpile management including stormwater pollution prevention and the <br />installation of BMPs <br />b. Proper disposal procedures of contaminated materials <br />c. Monitoring and reporting <br />d. A health and safety plan for contractors working at the site that addresses <br />the safety and health hazards of each phase of site construction activities <br />with the requirements and procedures for employee protection <br />e. The health and safety plan will also outline proper soil handling procedures <br />and health and safety requirements to minimize worker and public exposure <br />to hazardous materials during construction. <br />f. The lead agency will review and approve the development site Soil <br />Management Plan for Impacted Soils prior to demolition and grading. <br />75. MM HAZ-2. Remediation. If soil present within the construction envelope at the <br />project site contains chemicals at concentrations exceeding hazardous waste <br />screening thresholds for contaminants in soil (California Code of Regulations <br />Conditions of Approval May 2, 2022 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Dr Page 12 of 15 <br />