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April 3, 2023City Council Minutes <br />3.e.23-132 Proclamation to Recognize April 2023 as Autism Awareness Month <br />This matter was Presented <br />3.f.23-129 Motion to Appoint the Following Representatives to Boards and <br />Commissions <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Aguilar, Jr., seconded by Mayor <br />González III, that this Minute Order - Council be Adopted. The motion <br />CARRIED by the following vote: <br />Aye:Aguilar Jr., Azevedo, Ballew, Simon, González III, Reynes, Bowen7 - <br />Enactment No: <br />REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS TAKEN4. <br />City Attorney Pio Roda reported that during the closed session meeting item 4.a. had <br />no reportable action. Item 4.b. was by a motion made by Councilmember Aguilar, <br />second by Councilmember Ballew, through a unanimous 7-0 vote, the City Council <br />approved making a Rule 68 offer to plaintiff of $200,001. <br />CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS5. <br />City Manager Robustelli reported on the condition of the Haas Avenue Pedestrian <br />Bridge collapse during the most recent storm. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS6. <br />Comments were made by approximately 12 individuals. <br />CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR AND ANNOUNCEMENTS7. <br />City Councilmembers announced their calendar of upcoming events and coordinated <br />attendance, reported on local events attended since the last meeting, and made brief <br />comments on issues of concern. <br />PRESENTATIONS8. <br />8.a.23-085 Presentation on Storm Water Fees <br />This matter was Presented <br />AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR9. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Aguilar, Jr., seconded by <br />Councilmember Ballew, to Approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried <br />by the following vote. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro