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April 18, 2022City Council Minutes <br />REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION ACTIONS TAKEN3. <br />No reportable actions taken. <br />CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS4. <br />None. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS5. <br />Comments were made by the following individuals: Lee Merit, Erika Santos, Jenna <br />King, Jaylin Brown, Joshua Gordon, Celina McMannis, Douglas Spalding, Adriane, <br />Rebecca Ruiz, Stephen Tow, Emily Griego, Keyshawn Ward and Leo West. <br />CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR AND ANNOUNCEMENTS6. <br />City Councilmembers announced calendar of upcoming events and coordinated <br />attendance, reported on local events attended since the last meeting, and made brief <br />comments on issues of concern. <br />PRESENTATIONS7. <br />None. <br />AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR8. <br />There was no amendment to the Consent Calendar. <br />CONSENT CALENDAR9. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Aguilar, seconded by Councilmember <br />Lopez, to Approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following <br />vote. <br />Aye:Aguilar Jr., Azevedo, Ballew, Cox, Lopez, Simon, Cutter7 - <br />9.a.21-732 Resolution to Approve a Consulting Services Agreement with Nichol <br />Consulting Engineers for the Design of the Annual Street Paving <br />2021-2023, Project No. 2022.0050 for an Amount Not to Exceed <br />$1,065,000; to Authorize Individual Agreement Amendments Up to <br />10% ($106,500); and to Authorize Cumulative Agreement <br />Amendments Up to 25% ($266,250) <br />Enactment No: 2022-055 <br />9.b.22-150 Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Columbia Electric Inc. <br />in the Amount of $352,296, for East 14th Street (State Route 185) at <br />Joaquin Avenue Traffic Signal Improvements, Project No. 2018.5690; <br />Page 2City of San Leandro