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May 2, 2022City Council Minutes <br />9.g.22-283 Resolution Approving City of San Leandro Investment Policy <br />Statement for 2022-2023 <br />Adopted on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: 2022-066 <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR10. <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS11. <br />11.a.22-278 Consideration of a Zoning Map Amendment, Planned Development, <br />Site Plan Review, and Tentative Map at 2824 Halcyon Drive to <br />demolish existing structures, rezone site from Industrial Park (IP) and <br />Residential Single-Family (RS) to Residential Single-Family with a <br />Planned Development Overlay (RS(PD)) zoning district, subdivide the <br />single parcel into 18 lots and three parcels, and construct 18-single <br />family residences with associated circulation and landscape <br />installations on a 2.4-acre site (PLN21-0005); APN 77C-1240-5; Chris <br />Zaballos, D.R. Horton (applicant), Douglas Storm, Douglas Storm <br />Trust UDT (Property Owner). <br />The Hearing was opened to the public. <br />Comments were made by the following 10 individuals: John Rocha, Jay Rickman, <br />Woo Vin, Lawrence Gill, Alexander Lee, Celina Reynes, Zo Zimoo, Lucas, Emily <br />Griego, and Stephen Tow. <br />There being no further public comments, and without objection, the Public Hearing <br />was closed. <br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Cox, that <br />this Staff Report be Approved. The motion CARRIED by the following vote: <br />Aye:Aguilar Jr., Ballew, Cox, Lopez, Simon, Cutter6 - <br />Nay:Azevedo1 - <br />11.b.22-304 Ordinance First Reading Approving And Adopting A Military <br />Equipment Funding, Acquisition and Use Policy And Adding Chapter <br />4-42 “Military Equipment Funding, Acquisition and Use Policy” To Title <br />4. “Public Welfare” Of The Municipal Code In Compliance With <br />Assembly Bill 481 <br />The Hearing was opened to the public. <br />Comments were made by the following 6 individuals: Douglas Spalding, Bob Bailey, <br />Stephen Tow, Lucas, Ginny Madsen and Lawrence Abbott. <br />There being no further public comments, and without objection, the Public Hearing <br />was closed. <br />A motion was made by Mayor Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Cox, that <br />Page 4City of San Leandro