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February 24, 2020City Council Minutes <br />Agreement, including authorization to enter into Leases and a Purchase <br />and Sale Agreement, between the City of San Leandro and Cal Coast <br />Companies LLC Inc. to facilitate the future development of approximately <br />75 acres of the San Leandro Shoreline area as part of a public-private <br />partnership proposed to result in up to 485 housing units, a 220-room <br />hotel with attached restaurant, a 15,000 square foot two-story <br />restaurant/banquet facility, a 3,000 square foot market/café, a <br />redesigned nine-hole golf course, a new Mulford-Marina Branch library <br />building, a nine-acre community park, and related site improvements; <br />Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: 080G 0900 001 08, 080G 0900 004 01, <br />079A 0475 009 04, 079A 0590 001 05, 079A 0590 001 07, 079A 0590 <br />002 00, 079A 0590 003 00, and 079A 0590 004 00; Monarch Bay LLC <br />(applicant) and City of San Leandro (owner). <br />Summary Title: Adopting the Addendum to the Final Environmental <br />Impact Report (EIR) for the Shoreline Development Project, General Plan <br />Text Amendment, and General Plan Map Amendment; Adopting the <br />Zoning Map Amendment; and Adopting a Disposition and Development <br />Agreement (DDA) that includes a Purchase and Sale agreement with <br />Cal Coast Companies LLC Inc. to facilitate the future development of the <br />Shoreline area. <br />The Hearing was opened to the public at approxiamtely 8:20 PM. There were <br />approximately 14 public speakers. <br />Comments were made by the following individuals: <br />Ms. Emily Graiger, Ms. Carol Cole, Mr. Matt Chaberlin, Ms. Virginia Madsen, Mr. Steve <br />Jackson, Mr. Bernard Ashcraft, Mr. Kenneth Fox, Mr. Matt Maloon, Ms. Cheryl <br />Pastore, Mr. Andreas Cluver, Mr. Joe Shafter, Mr. Lawrence Abbott, Mr. Ty Hudson, <br />and Mr. Edward Mejia-Sarate. <br />There being no further public comments, and without objection, the Public Hearing <br />was closed at approximately 8:54 PM. <br />Received and Filed. <br />The City Council Meeting recessed at 8:55 p.m. and reconvened at 9:06 p.m. <br />20-058 RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council approving a <br />General Plan Text Amendment and General Plan Map Amendment and <br />adopting an Addendum to the previously certified San Leandro Shoreline <br />Development Project Environmental Impact Report (SCH # <br />2013072011) for the proposed 75-acre Shoreline Development Project <br />initiated by Monarch Bay LLC, as applicant, and the City of San Leandro, <br />as property owner (PLN19-0074). <br />A motion was made by Vice Mayor Ballew, seconded by Councilmember Lee, <br />that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye:Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez6 - <br />Page 2City of San Leandro