July 6, 2020City Council Minutes
<br />There were approximately 29 public speakers.
<br />Comments were made by the following individuals:
<br />Celina Reynes, Joel Baum, Melisa Di Tano, Rebecca, Robert Bailey, Whitney Walker,
<br />Mitch Huitema, Douglas Spalding, Cynthia Chandler, Mike Katz-Lacabe, Nathasa
<br />Fernandez, Maria Magallon, Leo T. West, Buddy Roark, Jessica Barcello, Ho Nguyen,
<br />Pam Wall, Addie Kitchen, Mary Tieh, Kaitlin, Lawrence, Zachary Borja, Jim Prola,
<br />Derick Lee, Erina Kim-Eubanks, Selina McManus, Anna E. Edwards, Blue Arris Team,
<br />and Jay Lyn
<br />4.A.20-315 Presentation from Godbe Research Regarding Community Survey and
<br />Polling Results
<br />There were approximately 9 public speakers.
<br />Comments were made by the following individuals:
<br />Cynthia Chandler, Stephen Cassidy, Celina Reynes, Eric, Brian Stewart, Jim Prola,
<br />Pam Wall, Buddy Roark and Garrett Crougar
<br />Presented.
<br />4.B.20-237 Presentation on Multi-Family Development Standards Project
<br />Introduction (SB2 Funded)
<br />There were approximately 3 public speakers.
<br />Comments were made by the following individuals:
<br />
<br />Celina Reynes, Brian Vuong, and Regine Shambrook
<br />Presented.
<br />The City Council Meeting recessed at 10:39 p.m. and reconvened at 10:50 p.m.
<br />4.C.20-322 City Council Discussion of Budget Re-Allocations for Fiscal Year
<br />2020-21
<br />There were approximately 16 public speakers.
<br />Comments were made by the following individuals:
<br />Mitch Huitema, Douglas Spalding, Rebecca Day-Rodriguez, Garrett Crougar, Buddy
<br />Roark, Mary Tieh, Allan Guskin, Celina Reynes, Cynthia Chandler, Lawrence, Abby,
<br />Erin, Martina McCormick, Yvonne Day-Rodriguez, Stephen Michael Tow, and Leo
<br />Sheridan
<br />Presented.
<br />Page 2City of San Leandro