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Minutes 2018 0326 State of the City Address
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 2018 0326 State of the City Address
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8/9/2023 5:15:22 PM
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8/9/2023 5:15:18 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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11 <br /> <br />partnered with us and are now paying their full share of pension and retirement costs. And while <br />I’m currently serving as the president of the Alameda County Mayors’ Conference, I have ensured <br />this topic is part of our agenda this year too. <br />As we plan our finances, we also plan for long term investments in our community. I’ve talked <br />about many of the ways we are investing in roads, parks, and pools, and other infrastructure <br />around the city. Another important investment we need to make moving forward is in making <br />sure that we offer enough housing for our growing city. <br />Calling San Leandro “Home” <br />We are all aware of housing issues in the Bay Area region, be it the price or availability. We also <br />need to create more housing to address these needs and to provide for our residents already <br />living here. New housing in San Leandro will be focused around our transit centers to minimize <br />impacts and to maintain the character of our existing neighborhoods. We are trying to meet this <br />challenge in a smart and thoughtful way. <br />Last year, we hosted the ribbon cutting for Marea Alta, which provides 115 units of affordable <br />housing across the street from the Downtown San Leandro BART station. Phase 2, now known <br />as La Vereda, is nearing completion and will provide 85 affordable units for seniors. And in <br />alignment with our General Plan, we have a handful of projects in the downtown that will provide <br />additional housing. <br />Planning for the Future <br />In this past year, San Leandro received an award from the Northern California Planning <br />Association for the Best Comprehensive General Plan. Our 2035 General Plan was approved two <br />years ago and has helped pave the way for new developments. Two examples of areas that will <br />be critical components of future revitalization in San Leandro are the Marina Shoreline and the <br />Bayfair area. <br />The Monarch Bay Shoreline Development has been discussed by the community for many, many <br />years. We are pleased that the project groundbreaking is closer than ever, and will include a 220
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