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3 <br /> <br />New Investment <br />Construction and new business investments are picking up pace. The site of the former Kraft <br />factory is being developed into Class A industrial space, which will bring with it many more new <br />jobs than the old factory employed. <br />Torani, the leading manufacturer of flavored syrups, is relocating their corporate headquarters <br />and manufacturing facilities to San Leandro at the former Georgia-Pacific site, and bringing <br />hundreds of new jobs with them. <br />In the San Leandro Tech Campus on Alvarado Street, the first of three planned office buildings <br />was completed this past year, and now serves as the world headquarters for OSIsoft, in addition <br />to a home for world-class public art. Construction on the second building is nearing completion. <br />I know we are all excited to see the future development of the former CVS store at Callan and <br />East 14th Street. This development will include about 200 residential units above retail on the first <br />floor. We are working hard to bring a specialty grocer to that retail space. <br />New Businesses <br />Welcoming new businesses to San Leandro is one of the highlights of my job and especially new <br />restaurants as I’m told all the time by residents. Fortunately, we’ve been making some real <br />progress there in the last few years. In fact in just the past few months, we’ve enjoyed the grand <br />openings of Moussaka at Bancroft and Dutton, J.P. Seoul on Washington Avenue, and Shabu <br />House on East 14th Street. <br />In partnership with the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce, I’ve also had the opportunity to visit <br />numerous San Leandro businesses over the years. I’m constantly amazed by the innovative, high <br />tech businesses that call San Leandro home. <br />One of those businesses is MID Labs. They have invented a tool for the surgical removal of matter <br />inside the eye. This operation can provide improved vision for people with diabetes and