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6 <br /> <br /> INFRASTRUCTURE AND CITY SERVICES <br />Introduction <br />As you walk, bike, or drive through town, you can see the changing landscape. You see freshly <br />paved streets, parks renovated, new public art, and new infrastructure. In the past year, the City <br />staff, City Council and I have renewed our attention to making systemic improvements to our city <br />to benefit all residents, young and old alike. <br />Our accomplishments this year include overseeing major infrastructure updates and new <br />amenities for residents, investments in City services to improve the health and safety of San <br />Leandrans, and key steps toward providing new transit-friendly housing options and budgeting <br />prudently for the future. <br />Infrastructure <br />Last June, the City Council adopted the largest Capital Improvement Program in our City’s history, <br />which allocated funding for long-needed improvements to roads, buildings and parks. <br />We have recently completed over $8 million of rehabilitation on our roads. This investment is <br />more than double what we have previously spent annually. For the next year we expect to <br />complete over $13 million of work which is triple our past annual expenditures! This is all made <br />possible by the community’s support of Measure BB and SB1. This has been the first opportunity <br />in decades for the city to be able to invest to this much in our streets and roads. <br />And not only are we fixing our streets, we are also making them safer for pedestrians and bike <br />riders by implementing traffic calming and enhanced crosswalks across the city. <br />In recent years, the City Council heard from our residents that maintaining community standards <br />needs to be a top priority. Our residents also understand all too well that seemingly <br />small concerns like junk and debris, overgrown lawns and vandalism can turn into bigger <br />problems if not addressed quickly. With that in mind, the City Council allocated $1 million to