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�. Operation of the project shall remain in substantial compliance with the approved <br />Conditions of Approval. The Zoning Enforcement Official may approve changes to <br />approved plans or in Conditions of Approval without a public hearing upon <br />determining that the changes in conditions are minor and are consistent with the intent <br />of the original approval. Revisions involving substantial changes in Conditions of <br />Approval shall be treated as new applications, to be reviewed as a new project. <br />II. PLANNING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Project shall comply with all of the minimum requirements in the Zoning Code. <br />B. No alcoholic beverages shall be displayed within five (5) feet of the cash register or the <br />front door of the establishment, unless it is in a permanently affixed cooler. <br />C. No sale of alcoholic beverages shall be made from a drive -up window. <br />D. No display of alcoholic beverages shall be made from an ice tub. <br />E. No alcoholic beverage advertising shall be located on motor fuel islands or otherwise <br />visible from outside the building in which the alcoholic beverage is sold. <br />F. Hours of operation for the convenience store shall be only take place between 6:00 a.m. <br />and 10:00 p.m. Any modification to the hours for sales of beer and wine and convenience <br />store operations shall be subject to the review and approval of the San Leandro Police <br />Department Chief of Police and Community Development Director. <br />G. The Applicant/property owner shall obtain the necessary permits for the sale of beer and wine <br />for off -site consumption as required under State and local laws and regulations. <br />H. These Conditions of Approval shall be prominently posted in the convenience store building <br />and shall be made accessible and distributed to all employees. <br />III. POLICE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS <br />A. Alcoholic beverages may only be offered for sale at the business if a State of CA <br />Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control license issued to the <br />applicant/owner/business is valid at the time that alcoholic beverages are offered for <br />sale on the business premises. <br />B. Patrons may not enter the office or any designated "employee only area " at any time. <br />C. Business must post all required signage, pursuant to Business and Professions Code <br />section 25612.5. <br />D. The business, owners, employees and operators will cooperate fully with the San <br />Leandro Police Department and City of San Leandro regarding any criminal, code <br />enforcement or community -related investigation(s) conducted by employees of the San <br />Leandro Police Department or City of San Leandro. <br />Agreement to Conditions of Approval April 6, 2023 <br />PLN22-0051 Page 2 of 4 <br />