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E. Owners, managers, and employees of the licensed business are to complete an ABC <br />LEADs or RBS instructional training course within 3 months of hire and every 2 years <br />thereafter. Courses may be completed online as offered by the CA Department of <br />Alcoholic Beverage Control's website: <br />F. Licensed business should participate in SLPD's Crime Free Business Program. <br />G. Any graffiti painted or marked upon the premises or on any adjacent area under the <br />control of the licensee(s) shall be removed or painted over within 48 hours of being <br />applied. <br />H. The rear doors of the premises shall be equipped on the inside with an automatic <br />locking device and shall be closed at all times, and shall not be used as a means of <br />access by patrons to and from the licensed premises. Temporary use of these doors for <br />delivery of supplies does not constitute a violation. <br />There shall be no amusement machines or video gaming devices determined to be <br />games of chance — in which players pay to play, are issued credits by the machine, and <br />are later paid out in US currency or other by anything in value by the establishment on <br />the premises at any time. This includes sports "pools" and any other type of gambling <br />games. <br />J. The owner and business shall be responsible for maintaining free of litter the area <br />adjacent to the premises over which they have control to include streets, sidewalks, <br />parking lots and alleys, regardless if they are the owner of the adjacent property. <br />K. The parking lot of the premises shall be equipped with lighting of sufficient power to <br />illuminate and make easily discernible the appearance and conduct of all persons on or <br />about the parking lot. Additionally, the position of such lighting shall not disturb the <br />normal privacy and use of any neighboring residences. <br />L. Trash shall not be emptied between the hours of 1 OPM and 6:OOAM on any day. <br />M. No person under the age of 21 shall sell or deliver alcoholic beverages. <br />N. No pay phone will be maintained on the interior or exterior of the premises. <br />O. Loitering is prohibited on or around these premises or this area under the control of the <br />owner and business. <br />P. The possession of alcoholic beverages in open containers and the consumption of <br />alcoholic beverages is prohibited on or around the licensed business. <br />Q. The licensee shall keep the property, adjacent to the licensed premises and under the <br />control of the licensee(s) clear of newspaper racks, pay telephones, and any other <br />objects which may encourage loitering. <br />R. Peace officers, as listed in CA Penal Code section 830.1, and the Director and other <br />persons employed by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control for the <br />Agreement to Conditions of Approval April 6, 2023 <br />PLN22-0051 Page 3 of 4 <br />