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File Number: 23-372 <br />2035 General Plan and Complete Streets policy. The update will also satisfy the requirements set <br />forth in the Alameda County Transportation Commission’s “Bicycle Master Plan Guidelines” <br />(January 2015), and the “Toolkit for Improving Walkability in Alameda County” (June 2009). <br />Analysis <br />Two consulting firms responded to the City’s Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP sought a <br />qualified consultant that specializes in multi-modal mobility and pedestrian/bicycle planning. Fehr <br />& Peers ranked highest based on responsiveness, approach, capacity, ability, experience, and <br />references. <br />The agreement with Fehr & Peers includes a budget of $172,307.00. Staff recommends <br />authorization for amendments in an amount not to exceed 25%. <br />Awarding the CSA will require an appropriation from Measure BB Bicycle and Pedestrian funds <br />of $115,383.75 to provide a total of $215,383.75 to complete the work. The total appropriation <br />will fund the CSA cost as well as a contingency for amendments to the maximum amount of <br />compensation in the CSA. <br />The Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan will be developed with the input of the City Council <br />appointed Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). The BPAC’s primary mission is <br />to advise upon the development of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Additionally, the <br />Measure B and BB grant programs require that the Plan be developed with input from an advisory <br />committee such as the BPAC. <br />To gather feedback from citizens, staff will invite the general public to participate in four <br />scheduled BPAC meetings throughout the one-year plan update period. Fehr & Peers will also <br />conduct an online survey to collect data on current bicycle and pedestrian behavior, perceptions, <br />and needs. Outreach for plan input will be completed in multiple languages to ensure access and <br />participation from all interested residents. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy T-2.1 Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes. Create and maintain “complete” <br />streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel through a comprehensive, integrated <br />transportation network that serves all users. <br />Policy T-2.2 Context Sensitive Design. Be sensitive to local conditions when planning and <br />implementing street improvement projects. The City will work with residents, businesses, and <br />other stakeholders to improve streets in a way that creates a stronger sense of place. <br />Policy T-3.1 Citywide Bikeway System. Develop and maintain a bikeway system that meets the <br />need of both utilitarian and recreational users, reduces vehicle trips, and connect residential <br />neighborhoods to employment and shopping areas, BART stations, schools, recreational <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/30/2023