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ATTACHMENT B <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />• Kick-off Meeting <br />o Consultant will meet with City staff and others to review purpose of the project, scope <br />of work and project goals. The updated Plan will incorporate the City’s 2035 General <br />Plan and other relevant plans, policies and guidelines, including the Downtown San <br />Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy from 2007, the Bay Fair TOD <br />Specific Plan (currently under development), and the San Leandro Creek Trail Master <br />Plan Study (currently under development). An initial project schedule will be <br />developed and submitted to Staff at the meeting. Consultant shall prepare and deliver <br />a more detailed schedule following the kickoff meeting. The City will provide <br />Consultant with all relevant documents and a list of stakeholders. <br /> <br />• Public Outreach and Meetings <br />o Public input will be implemented in a number of ways during different stages of the Plan <br />development process, including working with the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory <br />Committee (BPAC). The Consultant will attend and facilitate the discussion at up to four <br />BPAC meetings. Consultant will also be required to attend and be available to answer <br />questions at meetings of the Planning Commission, the City Council’s Facility and <br />Transportation Committee, and at a City Council meeting. The consultant’s task includes <br />the preparation of agendas, accompanying materials and meeting notes. The consultant <br />shall prepare noticing information in print and web format, prepare a Power Point <br />presentation and prepare the meeting agenda and minutes. <br /> <br />• Updates of Chapters 1 and 2: Introduction, Vision, Goals & Policies <br />o The consultant will update the Introduction, and the Vision, Goals, and Policies <br />Chapters of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The Plan shall continue to <br />conform to the City of San Leandro General Plan and the City’s Complete Streets <br />Policy. <br />o The following sections to be updated in the Introduction, and The Vision, Goals, and <br />Policies Chapters are as follows: <br /> Review bicycle and pedestrian goals. Update as needed to continue to reflect <br />relevant City goals and polices and implementing actions of the <br />Transportation Element of the General Plan, Complete Streets, and other City <br />requirements. <br /> Update as needed the Plan to reflect relevant goals set by the county, regional, <br />state and federal level. Update should also include the required Core Elements <br />of the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) Bicycle Master <br />Plan Guideline, and incorporate appropriate, feasible guidelines and/or <br />concepts of Urban Bikeway Design Guide published by National Association <br />of City Transportation Officials into the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. <br /> Update Chapter One to reflect current information regarding Major Activity <br />Centers, Major Employment Centers, and Multimodal Connections. <br /> Summarize the data from the four ACTC pedestrian and bicycle counters <br />installed in San Leandro with respect to trends in pedestrian and bicycle trip <br />growth as compared to investments in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. <br />Disclose the four proposed locations for future pedestrian and bicycle counters