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City of San Leandro <br />Community Development Department <br />Planning Services Division <br />Memorandum <br /> <br />DATE: July 7, 2023 <br /> <br />RE: Vesting Tract Map 8592 <br /> <br />FROM: Anne Wong, AICP, Associate Planner <br /> <br />SUBJECT: City Planner’s Report for G22-0006 on Tract 8592, a Vesting Tract Map <br />to subdivide one parcel into 18 lots and three parcels for two private <br />courts and one privately owned open space accessible to the public <br />located at 2824 Halcyon Drive; Alameda County Assessor’s Parcel <br />Number 77C-1240-5; Chris Zaballos, D.R. Horton (applicant), Douglas <br />Storm, Douglas Storm Trust UDT (Property Owner) <br />______________________________________________________________________ <br />INTRODUCTION <br />Pursuant to Title VII, of Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, please accept this City <br />Planner’s Report on Vesting Tract Map 8592 at 2824 Halcyon Drive. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />On May 2nd, 2022, the City Council approved the Poppy Lane Planned Development Project <br />(PLN21-0005) to subdivide the single parcel into 18 lots and three parcels, and construct 18- <br />single family residences with associated circulation and landscape installations on a 2.4-acre site <br />located at 2824 Halcyon Drive in the Washington Square neighborhood. City Council’s approval <br />included an Infill Environmental Checklist in accord with the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) and Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 8592 to subdivide one parcel into 18 lots and three <br />parcels for two private courts and one privately owned open space accessible to the public. <br />The single-family home development is intended for individual ownership consisting of 18 single- <br />family. Approval of the final map is not necessary prior to project construction, but is required to <br />enable individual ownership. <br /> <br />The Planned Development approval granted the project an exception to the minimum lot area, <br />minimum lot width, and minimum front yard requirements of the RS Residential Single-Family <br />zoning district. The RS zoning district requires a minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet and 6,000 <br />square feet for corner lots, a minimum lot width of 50 feet and 60 feet for corner lots, and a <br />minimum front yard setback of 20 feet. The proposed Planned Development would accommodate <br />a reduced lot size as low as 3,028 square feet for an interior lot and a corner lot of 4,038 square <br />feet. The Planned Development would also feature a reduced lot width of 40 feet for interior lots <br />and 50 feet for corner lots, and a minimum front yard setback of 18 feet. Aside from these three <br />reductions, the project otherwise meets all other RS Residential Single-Family zoning district <br />development regulations. <br /> <br />LOCATION AND SETTING <br />The subject property is a remnant parcel located on the north side of Halcyon Drive in the <br />Washington Square neighborhood, situated between two established neighborhoods. The