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Packet 20230905
5C Consent
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3/21/2024 5:54:18 PM
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9/19/2023 4:30:56 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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<br />Landscaping <br />The project would include a total landscaped area of 19,600 square feet, or approximately 19 <br />percent of the site. Landscaping would include front yards, planter strips, and the shared passive <br />use open space area located at the southeastern corner of the project site. This shared open <br />space area would also act as a drainage management area and contain underground storage <br />boxes which would be part of the larger drainage management and bioretention system occurring <br />on the project site. The landscaped and bioretention areas located throughout the project site. <br />Approximately 0.78 acre of the site is comprised of mixed ornamental woodland trees that would <br />be removed as part of the project (ficus, redwood, Mexican fam palm, Himalayan cedar, acacia, <br />lemon, southern magnolia, pine, tree of heaven, loquat, and willow). There are 18 new street trees <br />(London plane trees) proposed along the new public street as well as a variety of accent trees <br />along the perimeters of the southwestern and northeastern courts connecting to the new public <br />street that would connect Muscari Street and Elderberry Way, and in the front yards of proposed <br />residences. <br /> <br />On-Site Amenities <br />On the southeast corner of the project site would be a 4,877 square foot private landscaped open <br />space area for residents’ use. On the northern end of this open space area would be a communal <br />mailbox station for the project’s occupants. The public street connecting Muscari Street and <br />Elderberry Way provides 10 on-street parking spaces. <br /> <br />Vesting Map 8592 <br />The City Council previously approved Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 8592 for subdividing the <br />parcel into 18 single-family residential lots and three parcels for the open space area and two <br />courts. Land division into five or more lots requires a Tentative Map (Community Development <br />Department) and a Final Map (Engineering Department). The purpose of a tentative map is to <br />show what currently exists and what is proposed on and adjacent to the property to be subdivided. <br />A vesting tentative tract map designation confers the applicant with the right to proceed with the <br />development in substantial compliance with the development standards in effect at the time of <br />approval. Once approved and recorded, the final map will subdivide the property into 18 lots and <br />three parcels for two private courts and one privately owned open space accessible to the public. <br /> <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />Pursuant to Section 15183.3 and appendices M and N of the California Environmental Quality Act <br />(CEQA) Guidelines, the City prepared an Infill Environmental Checklist and finds that the <br />proposed project qualifies as an Infill Project that would result in new specific effects. However, <br />these effects would be substantially mitigated under uniformly applicable development policies <br />and thus, no further environmental review is required. Checklist document is available online at: <br /> <br />Environmental-Infill-Consistency-Checklist. <br /> <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />The map conforms to the proposed Planned Development described in this report. As <br />shown on the accompanying Tract Map, the single parcel will contain 18 numbered <br />lots (residential lots) and three lettered parcels (for two private courts and one privately owned <br />open space accessible to the public) for a total of 21 parcels with 18 single-family dwelling units <br />that may be owned and/or sold individually. The Plan shows the footprint of the buildings that will <br />occupy on top of the lots. The Plan also shows the two private courts and one privately owned <br />open space accessible to the public. <br />
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