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City of San Leandro <br />City Council <br />Meeting Date: September 5, 2023 <br />Agenda Number: 5.g. <br />Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR <br />File Number: 23-395 <br />File Type: Staff Report <br />Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Non-Professional Services <br />Agreement with AERI Tree Service, LLC, for Boulevard Yarwood Sycamore Tree Trimming for <br />$111,435.00 and to Negotiate and Approve Cumulative Contract Amendments up to 15% or $16,715.00 <br />of the Original Contract Amount for a Total Not-to-Exceed Amount of $128,150.00 <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />·Infrastructure <br />·Sustainability & Resiliency <br />SUMMARY <br />The City of San Leandro has Yarwood Sycamore trees located on main thoroughfares including <br />E. 14th Street, Davis Street, and MacArthur Boulevard. The trees require maintenance on a <br />1-2-year schedule. AERI Tree Service LLC, has been selected to perform tree maintenance on <br />approximately 1219 trees once the contract is approved and executed. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Staff Recommends that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement with AERI Tree Service, LLC, for boulevard Yarwood <br />Sycamore tree trimming. <br />BACKGROUND <br />On May 16, 2023, the Finance Department issued Bid No. 22-23.015 for Yarwood Sycamore tree <br />trimming along the City’s main thoroughfares, otherwise referred to as boulevards. 14 firms <br />submitted bids on or before the submittal deadline. AERI Tree Service, LLC submitted the lowest <br />bid for a price of $91.42 per tree (rounded to two decimals), with a total contract amount of <br />$111,435.00 to trim 1219 trees. The bid price includes all labor, materials, disposal, <br />transportation, and equipment/staffing necessary to perform the work. <br />Analysis <br />The Yarwood Sycamore trees are planted primarily on the City’s main thoroughfares, including E. <br />14th Street, Davis Street, Bancroft Avenue, and MacArthur Boulevard. They are considered <br />high-maintenance trees that are typically trimmed on a 1-2-year schedule. This species of <br />sycamore tree grows quickly and keeping the trees trimmed helps to reduce branch/tree failures, <br />especially during and after storm events. <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 8/30/2023