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5G Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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<br /> <br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between August 1, 2023 <br />City of San Leandro and AERI Tree Services — Exhibit A Page 1 of 35 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br /> <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of San Leandro is requesting a bid for the trimming of <br />Yarwood Sycamore Trees located on major boulevards, adjacent side streets, and residential <br />zones as outlined below and as directed by the Street Services Supervisor. Quantity, location, <br />and work requested is identified in Table 1. <br />SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation, and perform <br />all operations necessary and incidental for the proper execution and completion of all tree <br />trimming in accordance with the specifications. <br />A D-49 Tree Service Contractor’s License is required for this work. No bid will be accepted from <br />a contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with Chapter 9, Division 3 of the California <br />Business and Professions Code. <br />CLEANUP: All branches, brush, leaves and debris are to be removed from the site and properly <br />disposed of by the Contractor each day as part of the bid price. The intent is that all areas are to <br />be left in as clean as condition or better than before the Contractor’s operations. Cleanup is to <br />be done continuously as each tree is finished. No brush is to be left at any of the tree sites. <br />CORRECTION OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS: If, in the determination of the Street Services <br />Supervisor, any work done or omitted by the Contractor or any act of vandalism or theft has <br />created a condition hazardous to the public, the Street Services Supervisor will notify the <br />Contractor’s office by telephone. The Contractor shall commence correction of such condition by <br />placement of barricades or otherwise directed by the City within one (1) hour of receipt of such <br />notice at his office and shall complete correction thereof on the same calendar day, regardless of <br />the size of the working force required or the number of hours of work required. <br />If the contractor cannot be reached by telephone or fails to respond to the hazardous condition <br />within the specified one (1) hour limit, the City shall have the authority to cause said hazardous <br />condition to be corrected and deduct the cost thereof from any amounts due or to become due to <br />the Contractor. Such costs shall include any minimum or base costs for labor, materials or <br />equipment as required by contracts, agreements, or supplier but in no case shall such cost be <br />less than $250 per hazardous condition per location. <br />STANDARDS: All tree trimming is to be done in accordance with the American National Standard <br />for Tree Care Operations - Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Management - Standard <br />Practices (Pruning) (2017); Third Edition, Best Management Practices – Tree Pruning (2019), and <br />in compliance with ANSI Z133 (2017 Safety Standards). Specifically, the quality of work shall be <br />consistent with the National Arborist Association definition of Fine Pruning (Class 1). Contractor <br />and all employees performing pruning are required to have a thorough knowledge of these <br />standards and is to have copies of these standards on all sites where work is being performed. In <br />addition, in order to minimize damage to the trees, no pruning is allowed with circular saws and <br />no climbing with spikes is allowed. <br />Trees are to be raised from the sidewalk and street, thinned, shaped, trimmed back from buildings, <br />wires, streetlights and signs cleared as much as possible, long/heavy limbs lightened, and as is <br />consistent with the growth stage of the tree, have all basal and inside sucker growth removed as <br />is consistent with the above standards. On large mature trees, no scaffold limbs or major limbs <br />shall be removed, as is consistent with ISA pruning standards, unless authorized by City
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