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<br /> <br /> Managing Tomorrow’s Resources Today <br /> <br /> <br />Jennifer Auletta <br />July 28, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br />Scope of Work <br />Based on our discussion with the City, HF&H proposes the following focus areas for our scope of work. <br />We understand hours spent within each focus area may vary week to week and that this may not cover <br />the full scope of activities for which the City requires support under this contract. HF&H staff will <br />coordinate with City staff to prioritize tasks on an ongoing basis, with a focus on keeping the City in <br />regulatory compliance with SB 1383 and other applicable laws. These tasks are outlined in Tasks 1 and 2 <br />below. HF&H will meet with staff regularly to identify other tasks the City wishes HF&H to support and to <br />discuss how to prioritize and allocate hours between all tasks. We have estimated an average of 60 hours <br />per month to maintain a level of flexibility for the City and to address the scope of work described below. <br />Task 1 Regulatory Compliance <br />• Keep the City apprised of potential impacts from relevant regulatory changes and informed of <br />necessary actions to maintain compliance <br />• Coordinate with the City’s hauler and other relevant parties such as the County Department of <br />Environmental Health to maintain ongoing compliance with SB 1383 <br />• Act as liaison with CalRecycle on SB 1383 matters <br />• Support the City with tracking paper procurement and developing processes to maintain ongoing <br />compliance with SB 1383 <br />• Assist the City in developing a system for tracking and recording data required for the SB 1383 <br />Implementation Record <br />Task 2 Recyclist Support <br />• Assist the City in developing processes and practices to incorporate all relevant SB 1383 and solid <br />waste/recycling records into Recyclist including, but not limited to: <br />▪ Procurement data <br />▪ Information reported from StopWaste <br />▪ Alameda County Department of Environmental Health records <br />▪ Hauler outreach activities <br />Task 3 Staff Operations <br />• Review waste diversion plans and reports and maintain Green Halo database <br />• Review trash enclosure plans for compliance and provide approvals or changes to permittees; provide <br />approvals in Accela <br />• Collaborate with ACI to implement a multi-family education campaign and provide technical <br />assistance as needed; coordinate with third-party design firm to develop educational materials