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<br />HF&H Consultants, LLC Page A-1 July 28, 2023 <br />ATTACHMENT A: <br />STANDARD HOURLY RATES AND BILLING <br />ARRANGMENTS <br /> <br />(Effective January 1, 2023)1 <br />Professional Fees <br />Hourly rates for professional and administrative personnel are as follows: <br /> <br />Position Rate <br /> <br />Executive $300 - $330 <br />Senior Project Manager $285 - $305 <br />Project Manager $245 - $270 <br />Senior Associate $210 - $230 <br />Associate Analyst $175 - $185 <br />Assistant Analyst $150 - $160 <br />Administrative Staff $115 - $145 <br />Direct Expenses <br />Standard charges for common direct expenses are as follows: <br /> <br />Automobile Travel Prevailing IRS mileage rate <br />Airfare and Public Transit Actual Cost <br />Billing Policies <br />Our policy is to bill for our services based on the standard hourly rates of the staff member assigned, <br />multiplied by the time required to perform the client-related tasks, plus the direct expenses as described <br />above. In implementing this policy, we adhere to the following practices: <br />• It is our standard practice to e-mail invoices to our clients, although hard copies of invoices can be <br />sent to clients on request. <br />• We round to the nearest one-quarter hour (e.g., if two hours and 55 minutes are spent on a task, it is <br />recorded as three hours, if two hours and 5 minutes are spent on a task, it is recorded as two hours). <br />A minimum charge of one-quarter hour is charged for any client work performed in a day. <br />• We do not markup out-of-pocket expenses; however, we may charge administrative or professional <br />time related to the provision of the goods and services associated with these charges. <br />• If subcontractors are used, HF&H reserves the right to charge a 5% markup should the subcontractor’s <br />services require cumbersome administrative oversight (e.g., multiple subcontractors; engagement <br />turns out to solely require services of subcontractor, but HF&H as the prime must prepare billings). <br />• Mileage fees are based on the round-trip distance from the point of origin. <br /> <br />1 Litigation Support and Expert Witness Services are not covered by this schedule of fees and expenses.