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File Number: 23-421 <br />and focus groups <br />·Community Workshops to gain input on community vision, goals and priorities <br />·“SWOT” Analysis highlighting challenges and opportunities in attracting and retaining <br />businesses, developing opportunity sites and improving specific areas. <br />·Economic Development Strategy that includes specific strategies for the City overall and <br />for specific business subareas, <br />·Implementation Work Plan Matrix that identifies specific actions, schedule and phasing, <br />necessary resources and staffing, and potential funding sources <br /> <br />The development of the Economic Development Strategy is anticipated to take 12-15 months. <br />The estimated budget and contract amount at this time is $120,000. However, staff anticipates <br />that additional areas of research, outreach or deliverables may be identified through the <br />development of the Strategy. Additional Economic Development ARPA funding is available, and <br />staff recommends that contract amendments up to 25%, or $150,000, should be authorized for <br />negotiation by the City Manager or her designee at this time. This flexibility will allow for a higher <br />quality and more complete Strategy. <br /> <br />Staff recommends the approval of a resolution to authorize a $120,000 Consulting Services <br />Agreement with Strategic Economics, which includes the authorization for contract amendments <br />up to 25% (see Attachment A). The scope of services and budget for the project are included in <br />Attachment B. <br /> <br />Previous Actions <br /> <br />·Resolution No. 2016-457 - Adoption of the San Leandro 2035 General Plan, including <br />Economic Development Element - September 19, 2016 <br />·Resolution No. 2021-150 - Adoption of ARPA Budget for Fiscal Years 21-22 and 22-23 <br />and Authorizing the City Manager to Approve Carryovers/Unspent ARPA Funds to Future <br />Fiscal Years’ Budgets - November 1, 2021 <br /> <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br /> <br />·Action ED-1.11.A: Economic Development Strategy Updates - Periodically update and <br />revise the City’s Economic Development Strategy in response to changing market <br />conditions and economic trends. <br />·Action ED-4.1.A: Retail Action Strategy - Develop a Retail Action Strategy, including <br />evaluations of retail shopping patterns and leakage to other communities in particular <br />sectors. The Strategy should include programs to retain San Leandro’s retailers, and <br />attract new retailers in under-represented sectors. <br /> <br />Legal Analysis <br /> <br />This Agreement was reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to form. The consultant has <br />agreed to the terms of the contract. <br /> <br />Financial Impacts <br /> <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023