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Packet 20230918
13A Action
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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<br /> <br />1 <br />ATTACHMENT B: SCOPE OF WORK & BUDGET <br /> <br />1. Project Startup and Management <br />Upon contract execution, Strategic Economics will work with City staff to kick off the project and <br />analysis. Prior to a kickoff meeting, the Strategic Economics team will review existing materials as <br />described in the RFQ and responses to RFQ questions. Strategic Economics will also request relevant <br />data from the City, including GIS shape files, financial data, development projects, etc. <br />Strategic Economics and Winter Consulting will attend a project initiation meeting with City staff to <br />review the scope of work and the schedule of deliverables and meetings with stakeholders and <br />decision-makers. During the kick-off meeting, the Strategic Economics team will also begin to identify <br />stakeholders, discuss the engagement strategy, and discuss project roles and responsibilities. The <br />kickoff meeting will be an opportunity to make refinements to the scope and schedule, if needed. After <br />the meeting, Strategic Economics staff will tour San Leandro with City staff. <br />A Strategic Economics staff member will prepare for and attend a Finance Committee meeting to <br />introduce the project team and approach/scope/timeline. <br />Strategic Economics and, as needed, Winter Consulting, will hold bi-weekly virtual meetings with City <br />staff to discuss progress, project needs, and interim findings and recommendations. <br />Deliverable: Kickoff and check-in meeting agendas and notes. <br />Deliverable: Finance Committee PowerPoint slides. <br /> <br />2. Data Analyses of Economic Conditions and Opportunities <br />Strategic Economics will selectively analyze employment, industry, and business trends over the past <br />three to five years by examining local and regional East Bay trends and projections using California <br />Employment Development Data, EMSI data provided by the City of San Leandro via the East Bay EDA, <br />City business license data, and/or Plan Bay Area and/or Woods & Poole regional employment <br />projections. Strategic Economics will also evaluate start-ups and entrepreneurial activity in the city <br />based on data provided by the City and/or East Bay EDA. <br />These analyses will identify San Leandro’s strengths beyond the two-digit NAICS code level to gain a <br />more fine-grained understanding of the types of businesses that drive the regional economy (e.g., <br />computer software and hardware), those that support the regional economy (e.g., professional and <br />business services), and those that serve local residents (e.g., convenience retail and restaurants). The <br />task will also provide insights into San Leandro’s specific strengths and weaknesses relative to the <br />East Bay region, and identify emerging subsectors in the city. <br />Strategic Economics will connect these industry projections with local workforce conditions and <br />demographics by analyzing demographic and household characteristics of the San Leandro population <br />and workforce compared to the Southern Alameda County area and the East Bay as a whole. Strategic <br />Economics will also use U.S. Census LEHD data to examine commute patterns of residents and <br />workers in San Leandro. Strategic Economics will conduct original data analysis only as necessary, <br />while otherwise reviewing existing data findings already held by the City of San Leandro.
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