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File Number: 23-341 <br />Analysis <br />Flock ALPR cameras were selected based on many attributes, including: 1) coverage of two <br />travel lanes with a single camera; 2) the use of a battery and solar power system that reduces <br />costs; 3) portability so that SLPD can adjust deployment based on future crime trends; and 4) <br />easy to use data storage and retrieval. Flock’s ALPR cameras have a set price of $2,500.00 per <br />camera per year, with a five-year service contract. The cost of the agreement includes all cellular <br />data, cloud storage, software, licensing fees, and installation. The total cost for the existing 41 <br />Flock ALPR cameras and proposed additional 41 Flock ALPR cameras (82 Flock ALPR <br />cameras total) is estimated to be $1,057,150.00 over a five-year period and will fund five years of <br />camera use. <br />Flock contacted the San Leandro Police Department to notify the City of price increases that <br />would impact the purchase of the additional 41 ALPR cameras as well as the existing 41 <br />cameras following the termination date of the original agreement on June 30, 2024. Flock offered <br />the City of San Leandro a cost savings by extending the agreement with Flock by five years from <br />the date of the contract amendment’s execution. <br />By agreeing to Flocks proposal for the five-year extension and purchase of 41 additional ALPR <br />cameras, this would provide the City an annual savings of $41,000.00 per year, and $205,000.00 <br />over the five-year amended agreement for the 82 ALPR cameras. <br />Previous Actions <br />Resolution No. 2022-054 authorizing purchase of the initial 41 ALPR cameras was introduced <br />and passed on April 4, 2022. <br />FISCAL IMPACTS <br />This project will not exceed a cost of $1,057,150.00 over a five-year period, which requires no <br />adjustment to the FY 2023-2024 or FY 2024-2025 Adopted Budget. The Police Department will <br />request appropriations for FY 2025-2026, FY 2026-2027, and FY 2027-2028 to continue to fund <br />this project. <br />(Account number 010-21-006-5311). <br />Project costs include: <br />1) The purchase and installation of all equipment. <br />2) Five years of operating expenses including licensing and software maintenance fees. <br />Staff anticipates completing the purchase of the additional 41 ALPR cameras and initiating the <br />extension of services in this fiscal year. On-going annual costs are estimated to not exceed <br />$210,000.00. <br />·Fiscal Year 2023-2024 costs estimated not to exceed $217,150.00 <br />·Fiscal Year 2024-2025 costs estimated not to exceed $210,000.00 <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023