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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2023- <br />RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO AN <br />EXISTING CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH FLOCK SAFETY TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT TERM AN <br />ADDITIONAL FIVE YEARS FROM DATE OF EXECUTION, PURCHASE AND INSTALL 41 ADDITIONAL FLOCK <br />AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE READER (ALPR) CAMERAS, AND TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF <br />COMPENSATION BY $807,150.00 FOR A TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $1,057,150.00 AND TO <br />AUTHORIZE ADDITIONAL CUMULATIVE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS UP TO 10% ($105,715.00) <br />WHEREAS, the San Leandro Police Department was directed to explore and develop a plan to <br />implement Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) cameras and to determine locations throughout the City <br />where set Community Safety Cameras could deter and solve crimes; and <br />WHEREAS, Flock’s ALPR Cameras have enhanced and aided crime prevention and criminal <br />investigations by discouraging criminals, alerting law enforcement to stolen or wanted vehicles, and <br />providing investigators with data on vehicles located within specified areas of the City of San Leandro; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends a sole source finding under Cal. Public Contract Code section 3400 and <br />determination under San Leandro Municipal Code Section 1-6-315 that the purchase serves the best interests <br />of the City without competitive bidding to purchase forty-one <br />(41)additional ALPR Cameras from Flock Security; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends extending the contract term date by five years from the date of <br />amendment No. 1’s execution for cost savings to the City of San Leandro in the amount of $102,500.00 over <br />the five-year term for the 82 ALPR Cameras; and <br />WHEREAS, this project will not exceed a cost of $1,057,150.00 over a five-year period, which <br />requires no adjustment to the FY2023-2024 or FY2024-2025 Adopted Budget. (Account number 010-21- <br />006-5311). The Police Department will request appropriations for FY 2025-2026, FY 2026-2027, and FY <br />2027-2028 to continue to fund this project. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City of San Leandro City Council does RESOLVE as follows: <br />That a sole source funding is justified under Cal. Public Contract Code section 3400 to field test the <br />products for future use, and to match other products currently in use, and it is determined under San <br />Leandro Municipal Code section 1-6-315 that this purchase serves the best interests of the City without <br />competitive bidding because of the unique features, including portability and scalability, of the products; <br />and <br />That the purchase of $1,057,150.00 is approved, and that the City Manager is authorized to execute <br />the said proposal and all other documents related to entering a contract with Flock Group Inc. DRAFT