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Packet 20230918
5C Consent
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9/19/2023 5:42:36 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
Document Date (6)
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File Number: 23-418 <br />(3) Prevention and education programs. <br />(4) Corrections and community corrections programs. <br />(5) Drug treatment and enforcement programs <br />(6) Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs. <br />(7) Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation). <br /> <br />The JAG funding must be spent according to certain federal guidelines, including the following: <br />·Byrne JAG funds must be used to supplement existing funds for program activities and <br />cannot replace, or supplant, nonfederal funds that were appropriated for the same <br />purpose. <br />·Byrne JAG funds cannot be used to fund security enhancements or to purchase equipment <br />by nongovernmental entities not engaged in criminal justice or public safety directly or <br />indirectly. <br />·Byrne JAG funds cannot be used to purchase vehicles (excluding police cruisers), vessels <br />(excluding police boats), or aircraft (excluding police helicopters); luxury items; real estate; <br />or for construction projects. <br />·Byrne JAG funds can be used for state and local initiatives, technical assistance, training, <br />personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, and information systems for criminal <br />justice for any one or more of the following purpose areas: <br />o Law enforcement programs <br />o Prosecution and court programs <br />o Prevention and education programs <br />o Corrections and community corrections programs <br />o Drug treatment programs <br />o Planning, evaluation, and technology improvement programs <br />o Crime victim and witness programs (other than compensation) <br />Analysis <br />Currently, the Police Department utilizes two software systems for the reporting and storage of <br />high liability incidents such as supervisory-level use of force investigations and vehicle pursuit <br />investigations to ensure compliance with departmental policies. The Police Department utilizes a <br />third software system for state-mandated data collection related to the Racial and Identity <br />Profiling Act (RIPA). The Police Department also utilizes a fourth software system to log and <br />monitor training records for staff. The Police Department does not currently have an electronic <br />database for documentation related to Field Training for police officers or Communications <br />Center personnel. The Department plans to utilize the LEFTA SHIELD Software Suite to provide <br />staff with a congruent means of reporting and storing data related to high liability incidents as well <br />as Field Training documents and RIPA data. This grant will allow the Department to replace <br />several software applications and modernize the reporting and storage of Field Training <br />documentation under one comprehensive system. <br />The current systems are antiquated and require utilizing many different interfaces for reporting <br />and documenting/accessing critical high-liability information. Currently, Field Training documents <br />are stored in a hard copy format. The storage of these documents occupies valuable space and <br />is a waste of paper. The current software being used to document supervisory-level <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023
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