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5C Consent
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 23-418 <br />investigations is outdated and not user-friendly. This becomes problematic when processing <br />Public Records Act requests. It is imperative that the Department provide timely and accurate <br />information regarding these requests and its current software platforms do not allow it to do so <br />efficiently. <br />The LEFTA SHIELD Software Suite offers a collection of software applications that document <br />field training, in-service training for sworn and civilian employees, use-of force, pursuits, and <br />internal affairs in a central, web-based platform that will reduce staff time in creating the reports. <br />Collectively the SHIELD Suite with its integration between the various applications will provide an <br />early warning system to identify trends and alert management to potential liability issues. <br />The Field Training application provides tracking of both the trainee and trainers, and allows for <br />including audio and video files. All reports are generated electronically and provide easy, <br />searchable analysis. <br />The Force Accountability application (FACTS) provides customizable department guidelines and <br />allows for immediate documentation of use-of-force incidents. It will allow for the management of <br />use-of-force through built in reports and statistical data immediately available to Administration, <br />including identification of the type of force used, the types of calls resulting in the use-of-force <br />applications, officers who apply force, and any mental health issues or racial correlations. <br />The Employee Training Records application (METR) is a single, comprehensive application that <br />will allow the Police Department to design and track training classes and tests, assign class <br />attendees, audit training records, and provide certification renewal reminders. Additionally, it will <br />track mandated in-service training and is fully integrated with the California Commission on <br />Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) records. <br />The Vehicle Pursuit Reporting application (VIPR) will track the justification for the pursuit and <br />initiation, whether a supervisor monitored the pursuit, traffic and weather conditions at the time of <br />the pursuit, and if the pursuit was justified based on the offense committed. Additionally, it will <br />allow the Police Department to statistically analyze pursuit data. <br />The Internal Affairs application (IA) will allow the Police Department to fully automate, and conduct <br />more thorough and efficient Internal Affairs Investigations identifying the type of complaint, the <br />Officer(s) involved, and the results of the investigation. <br />This grant will fund three years of the LEFTA SHIELD Suite software, licenses, and subscription <br />fees for a total amount of $34,900.00. <br /> <br />1.Total grant award is $38,241.00. <br />2.Alameda County Sheriff administrative fee is $3,824.10 (10% grant oversight/support). <br />3.2023 Byrne JAG allocation for San Leandro PD is $34,316.90. <br />4.LEFTA SHIELD Suite Software Three-Year Agreement is $41,667.00. <br />5.$7,350.10 will be funded from 150-21-011 in FY 2023-2024. <br /> <br />The department recommends the City Council appropriate the 2023 JAG funding to purchase the <br />LEFTA SHIELD Software Suite. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/13/2023
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