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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2023- <br /> <br />RESOLUTION INDEPENDENTLY CONSIDERING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (MND) AND AFTER <br />EVALUATING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE AGREEMENT AND PROJECT, (1) <br />CONCLUDING THAT THE MND COMPLIES WITH CEQA AND THE CEQA GUIDELINES, (2) CONCLUDE THAT THE <br />MND IS ADEQUATE TO SUPPORT THE CITY’S APPROVAL OF THE LEASE FOR THE PROJECT, AND (3) IMPOSES <br />THE MITIGATION MEASURES AS A CONDITION OF THE CITY’S APPROVAL OF THE LEASE FOR THE PROJECT <br />AND APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND BANDWIDTH IG, LLC FOR <br />INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND USE OF FIBER OPTIC CABLE IN SUBMERGED SAN FRANCISCO BAY <br />LANDS AND TERRESTRIAL LANDS WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro (“City”) owns certain real property comprised of a portion of San <br />Francisco Bay submerged lands (APNs: 80G-910-5-2, 80G-910-4-2 and 80G-900-1-7) and some terrestrial land <br />on the shoreline (APN: 80G-910-1-6); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Bandwidth IG, LLC (“Bandwidth”) desires to install and use two 2-inch-diameter fiber optic <br />cables and one 8-inch diameter high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conduit on submerged land in the San <br />Francisco Bay between Brisbane and San Leandro (the “Project”); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Project, as currently contemplated, includes both submerged land and terrestrial land <br />owned by the City; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, City desires to lease 7,104 linear feet of this portion of the submerged land and 1,508 linear <br />feet of terrestrial land (“Premises”) to Bandwidth for the Project for a twenty-five year term in accordance <br />with the terms and conditions outlined in the lease agreement, attached hereto and incorporated herein as <br />Exhibit A (“Lease”); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the California State Lands Commission (“CSLC”) is the lead agency for the Project and on <br />June 5, 2023, CSLC certified a Mitigated Negative Declaration (NO. 813) (“MND”) and approved a Lease for the <br />portion of land within the Project area owned by the CSLC; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City is a Responsible Agency for the Project under the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (“CEQA”), which requires the City to consider the environmental consequences of a project subject to its <br />discretionary approval under CEQA Guidelines Section 15096; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City has independently reviewed and determined that the MND adequately discloses <br />and evaluates the impacts of the Project, including all impacts of the Project contemplated therein, and <br />imposes adequate mitigation measures to the extent feasible; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the City, after independently considering the MND and after evaluating the environmental <br />impacts associated with the Agreement and Project, (1) concludes that the MND complies with CEQA and the <br />CEQA Guidelines, (2) concludes that the MND is adequate to support the City’s approval of the Lease for the <br />Project, and (3) imposes the mitigation measures as a condition of the City’s approval of the Lease for the <br />Project; and DRAFT