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All meetings of the Board shall be held in a location at the Civic Center, City of San <br />Leandro, unless, in the opinion of the Board, the interests of the City and Board could be <br />best served by holding such meetings elsewhere. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: AGENDA. <br /> <br />The Secretary or City Clerk in their absence shall prepare an agenda for all matters to be <br />submitted to the Board in consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair and shall distribute the <br />agenda and related materials to all interested parties not less than seventy-two (72) hours <br />prior to the date of a regular meeting and not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the <br />date of a special meeting. <br /> <br />Copies of the agenda, or the Notice of Cancellation if a meeting has been cancelled, shall <br />be delivered to each member of the Committee, each member of the City Council, to the <br />City Manager, and to the City Clerk. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 2 COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: BOARD MEMBERS. <br /> <br />The Board shall consist of nine (9) members. The membership shall include one member <br />from each of the six (6) Council Member Districts, an at large member appointed by the <br />Mayor pursuant to Section 1-3-110 of this Code and two Student Members (18-22), as <br />defined by San Leandro Municipal Code section 1-3-110. The City shall provide <br />membership for the Board in the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law <br />Enforcement (NACOLE), subject to budgetary approval from the City Council. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: AD HOC COMMITTEE. <br /> <br />Ad Hoc Committees may be formed as needed by the Chair or by a majority vote of the <br />Board for an assigned specific task and for a specifically identified duration of time. Unless <br />extended by a vote of the Board, each Ad Hoc Committee is disbanded at the completion of <br />the assigned task. Ad Hoc Committees are limited to no more than four (4) members. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 3 OFFICERS <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: CHAIR. <br /> <br />The presiding officer of the Board shall be the Chair who shall be elected at the first regular <br />meeting in January of every year or as soon thereafter as the Board deems appropriate. <br />The Chair shall preserve order and decorum at regular and special meetings of the Board; <br />shall state each question; shall announce decisions; shall decide all questions of order <br />subject to an appeal to the Board; shall vote on all questions; and shall generally perform <br />the duties of a presiding officer. <br /> <br />§XX.X.XXX: VICE CHAIR. <br /> <br />The Vice Chair of the Board shall be elected annually at the first regular meeting in January <br />of every year or as soon thereafter as the Board deems appropriate. The Vice Chair shall