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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 09/25/2023 <br />Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. for Claims Handling Services Exhibit A – Page 4 of 5 <br />B. Litigation <br /> <br />1. Litigation efforts shall be closely monitored by the Claims Administrator with regular <br />communications with the City Risk Manager. The City Risk Manager must authorize any <br />and all depositions and any independent investigative activities. <br /> <br />2. Settlement authority on litigated claims must be approved by the City Risk Manager <br />prior to being presented or negotiated with claimant’s attorney. <br /> <br />3. Prior to any settlement conference, Claims Administrator and/or legal counsel <br />whichever is appropriate, will provide a written analysis of the case, including options and <br />recommendation for settlement. <br /> <br />4. The City Risk Manager must be informed of all settlement offers received from claimant <br />or claimant’s attorney, and original signed settlement agreements must be submitted to the <br />Risk Manager for payment. <br /> <br />C. Data Products <br /> <br />1. Claims Administrator at a minimum, shall provide a computerized loss analysis <br />and summary report each month covering activity on all newly reported, open, and newly <br />closed claims for the period. This report will be customized for the City’s needs and will <br />provide the following by claim year: <br />a. Monthly listing of open claims by City claim number, department, location, and <br />alpha by last name. <br />b. Summaries of all open and closed claims, at the end of each department and <br />division, and total for City, by claim year. <br />c. Various responsive reports on demand, at no additional charge. <br />d. Provide monthly claim summary reports, within 15 days of month-end. <br /> <br />2. Provide loss run data and required reports for actuarial, auditing and reserve <br />analysis purposes. <br /> <br />3. Prepare and submit in a timely manner all reports, including statistical reports required <br />by the City’s excess insurance pool. <br /> <br />4. Provide a report writer function for City staff to design customized ad hoc and <br />standard reports to be printed at City offices, if requested. <br /> <br />D. Additional Services <br /> <br />1. Claims Adjuster will attend Small Claims Court actions, settlement conferences, <br />conferences with legal counsel (defense counsel), meetings with City staff, departments <br />and employee groups when required. <br /> <br />2. Communication, written, oral, and in person, with the City staff and the Risk Manager <br />by the claims administrator is an important element of the services expected. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: F9647D7F-7B34-488C-AAE1-832760177A38