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parks, hotel, and wastewater workers, and the public from needle stick injuries. <br /> <br />Policing Reform. Support comprehensive policing reform legislation that establishes uniform <br />national standards to increase officer accountability, improve transparency, and eliminate <br />discriminatory practices when identified. Support programs and efforts designed to build <br />community trust. Support federal programs that fund or provide training on de-escalation tactics, <br />use-of-force alternatives, mental health or other crisis intervention, and other innovative <br />strategies that better protect all members of the community. <br /> <br />Railroad Safety. Urge Congress and the Administration to work towards implementation of <br />Positive Train Control technology in locomotives. Support U.S. Department of Transportation <br />initiatives for new safety measures, such as reduced train speeds in urban areas, and strong <br />oversight of rail safety. Support federal funding for rail safety and improvements to rail crossings. <br /> <br />Racial Equity. Support federal efforts or legislation addressing racial injustice and equity, <br />including racial biases that may be identified in the legal system. <br /> <br />Federal Emergency Management Agency Resiliency. Support federal funding for resilient <br />infrastructure improvements such as green infrastructure, recycled water pipelines, levees & other <br />innovative solutions to protect vital community assets threatened by sea level rise, rising <br />temperatures, wildfire, drought, or other natural hazards associated with climate change. <br /> <br />Renewable Energy Micro-grid. Seek funding opportunities that could assist in San Leandro’s <br />efforts to develop a renewable energy micro-grid. <br /> <br />Shoreline Project. Support legislative efforts or funding opportunities that would assist in the <br />successful redevelopment of San Leandro’s shoreline. Support federal funding for the dredging <br />of recreational marinas. <br /> <br />Small Cell and Telecommunications Facilities. Support efforts to overturn current Federal <br />Communications Commission (FCC) regulations that preempt local land use regulations related to <br />the location, placement, size, appearance, screening, or siting of “small cell” or other <br />telecommunications transmission and receiving facilities, or other facilities such as satellite dishes, <br />radio towers, broadcast and microwave equipment, or similar facilities. Oppose further <br />preemption of local control over local rights-of-way and land use authority by federal agencies, <br />including the FCC. Support local control related to the installation of 5G infrastructure. <br /> <br />Smart Cities Initiatives. Seek opportunities to leverage public-private partnerships and <br />emerging technology resources that would assist communities in transforming traditional <br />industrial sites into modern manufacturing workplaces. Support programs or opportunities to <br />humanize industrial districts, including funding for place-making. <br /> <br />Social Justice. Support federal efforts to uplift historically marginalized communities and remedy <br />long standing social, legal, economic, educational, and health disparities among those <br />populations. Support legislation that protects civil rights and prevents discrimination. Work with <br />federal partners to increase representation within institutions and direct federal resources to <br />minority or women-owned businesses. Support the rights of the public to protest peacefully and <br />to petition the government. Oppose attempts to restrict access to federal funds by municipalities