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<br />8 <br />GROUND LEASE <br /> <br />This Ground Lease (the "Ground Lease") is entered into as of October 30, 2023 (the <br />“Commencement Date”), by and between the City of San Leandro, a California municipal <br />corporation ("Lessor"), and Housing Consortium of the East Bay, a California nonprofit public <br />benefit corporation ("Lessee"). <br /> <br />RECITALS <br /> <br />A. Lessor is the owner of that certain real property located at 555 Lewelling <br />Boulevard, in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, more particularly <br />described in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit A and depicted on the map attached <br />as Exhibit B (the "Leased Premises"). The Leased Premises is improved with an existing motel <br />and restaurant, together with associated driveways, landscaping, lighting and parking. The <br />existing billboard located on the Leased Premises is not a part of the Leased Premises. <br />B. Lessor and Lessee have entered into a “Predevelopment Grant Agreement,” dated <br />January 20, 2023, pursuant to which Lessor has provided to Lessee a grant of Sixty-Five <br />Thousand Dollars ($65,000) for the purpose of paying for certain predevelopment activities, <br />including architectural and engineering services and environmental and related studies pertaining <br />to the Leased Premises. <br />C. Lessor and Lessee have jointly applied for approval of a Project Homekey grant <br />from the State of California in the amount of approximately Nine Million Three Hundred <br />Thousand Dollars (the “Project Homekey Grant”) to finance the Lessor’s acquisition of the <br />Leased Premises and the conversion of the Leased Premises into an interim homeless shelter and <br />navigation center for homeless persons and persons at risk of homelessness. In the event that the <br />Project Homekey Grant is awarded, Lessor and Lessee will enter into a Standard Agreement with <br />the California Department of Housing and Community Development which sets forth the <br />requirements imposed in connection with the Homekey Grant (the “Project Homekey <br />Agreement”). Pursuant to the Project Homekey Agreement, Lessor and Lessee will also enter <br />into a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for the benefit of the California Department of <br />Housing and Community Development which sets forth certain requirements with respect to the <br />operation of the Leased Premises (the “Regulatory Agreement”). <br />D. The Parties desire for Lessor to ground lease the Leased Premises to Lessee and <br />convert it into an interim homeless shelter with twenty-nine apartment units, navigation center <br />for homeless persons and persons at risk of homelessness, offices for management and services <br />staff, meeting and conference spaces, community room, laundry room, modular trailer for <br />shower services for navigation center clients, modular trailer for office space, parking, <br />landscaping and lighting (the “Project”). <br />E. The Parties have determined that it is necessary for the financial feasibility of the <br />Project for Lessor to provide a grant to Lessee to assist in the cost of the development of the <br />Project (the “City Rehabilitation Grant”) in the amount of Five Million Two Hundred Thousand <br />Dollars ($5,200,000). The City Rehabilitation Grant Funds will be obtained from a special <br />appropriation from the State of California and other local, state and/or federal funds. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 6E2EA799-6D74-41E3-B3EE-3CD67DC0ACD0