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Ord 2023-012 Ord 2022- PLN21-0031 Rezoning
City Clerk
City Council
Ord 2023-012 Ord 2022- PLN21-0031 Rezoning
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Last modified
12/6/2023 3:42:07 PM
Creation date
12/1/2023 2:51:33 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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10A Public Hearings
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2023\Packet 20231120
5C Consent
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\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2023\Packet 20231204
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WHEREAS, the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, and Municipal Code are incorporated herein by <br />reference, and are available for review at City Hall during normal business hours and on the City's website. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as follows: <br />SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and made a part of this ordinance. <br />SECTION 2. FINDINGS. The City Council hereby makes the following findings in support of adoption of <br />this ordinance, based on the whole of the record: <br />1. The amendments to the Zoning Map will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety or <br />welfare of the City. <br />2. The amendment to the Zoning Map is consistent with the City's General Plan and all specific plans <br />and the purposes of the Zoning Code. <br />SECTION 3. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. On November 20, 2023, the City Council adopted Resolution <br />No. 2023-169, incorporated herein by reference, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation <br />Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project, including the rezoning of the Property from CC(AU) to IG, <br />in accordance with the requirements of CEQA. The Mitigated Negative Declaration determined that the <br />Project would have no significant effect on the environment with the incorporation of mitigation measures, <br />and no further environmental review is required. <br />SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF ZONING MAP. The San Leandro Zoning Map is hereby amended as <br />shown in attached "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE AND PUBLICATION. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after <br />adoption. The title thereof shall be published once, and a complete copy thereof shall be posted on the City <br />Council Chamber bulletin board for five (5) days prior to adoption. <br />Introduced at a first reading by Councilmember Aguilar on the 20th day of November 2023, and <br />passed to print by the following vote: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Aguilar, Azevedo, Ballew, Reynes, Simon and Mayor Gonzalez (6) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Bowen (1) <br />
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