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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX <br />RESOLUTION DECLARING A STATE OF EMERGENCY ON HOMELESSNESS IN SAN LEANDRO <br />WHEREAS, according to data derived f rom the 2022 Point-in-Time count, San Leandro had <br />approximately 409 unhoused residents living in the community on a single night, of which approximately 76% <br />(n=312) were unsheltered; and <br />WHEREAS, homelessness in Alameda County has significantly accelerated over the last decade, and <br />since 2017, the number of unhoused individuals in Alameda County has increased from 5,629 to 9,747 (73% <br />increase) and this upward trajectory is anticipated to continue into the future without further action; and <br />WHEREAS, homelessness in San Leandro has significantly accelerated over the last decade, and since <br />2017, the number of unhoused individuals in San Leandro has increased from 109 to 409 (275% increase) and <br />this upward trajectory is anticipated to continue into the future without further action; and <br />WHEREAS, in Alameda County, 40% of people experiencing homelessness surveyed during the 2022 <br />Point-in-Time count said they have at least one permanent disability, and people receiving Social Security <br />Disability benefits in California receive a maximum of $1,033 per month, far less than current market rent for a <br />studio apartment; and <br />WHEREAS, this benefits gap has resulted in a disproportionate number of disabled individuals being <br />forced into homelessness, with no means to remedy or improve their situations; and <br />WHEREAS, the acutely high rent burden in the Bay Area makes one-time events such as disputes with <br />roommates or family members, job loss, medical events or conditions more likely to lead individuals to <br />become unhoused; and <br />WHEREAS, the trauma associated with becoming homeless, not having a stable place to live, sleep, eat <br />or feel safe, results in an increased likelihood of unhoused persons experiencing a mental health crisis, which <br />can be exacerbated through exposure to unsafe or inhumane circumstances, including access to narcotics and <br />exposure to crime and violence; and <br />WHEREAS, according to the Alameda County 2021 Homeless Mortality Report, prepared by Alameda <br />County Health Care Services Agency, the age-adjusted mortality rate for people experiencing homelessness in <br />Alameda County was 5.8 times that of the general population of Alameda County, and for all causes of death, <br />mortality rates are many times higher for people experiencing homelessness than the general population; and <br />WHEREAS, according to the Alameda County 2021 Homeless Mortality Report, prepared by Alameda <br />County Health Care Services Agency, sixty-six percent (229 out of 346) of all homeless deaths across <br />incorporated and unincorporated areas of Alameda County in 2021 took place outside of a medical setting DRAFT