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BID SUMMARYBID OPENINGVillalobos & Associates. Inc. Rosas Brothers Construction Spencon ConstructionDATE: September 20, 2023Date Approved: 9/14/2023 P.O. Box 110004 4731 Coliseum Way P.O. Box 1220TIME: 3:00 p.m.Campbell, CA 95011 Oakland, CA 94601 Danville, CA 94526LOCATION: City Clerk's OfficePhone: (408) 426-1274 Phone: (510) 534-1077 Phone: (925) 984-2581Fax: N/A Fax: (510) 534-5077 Fax: (925) 984-2585ITEMNO.ITEM UNIT COST ITEM COST UNIT COST UNIT COST UNIT COST ITEM COSTITEM COSTENGINEER'S ESTIMATEITEM COSTPROJECT TITLE:PROJECT NO.:BID NO.:QUANTITYAnnual Sidewalk Repair Program 23-242023.006023-24.005This document is a summary of bids received for the subject project and are provided only as a convenience. Listing of a particular bid is not a finding that such bid has been found to be responsive or accepted as complete by the City. An award of contract, if any, is subject to approval of the City Council and/or the City Manager. Contractors should refer to the contract documents for bidding information. Prepared by: D. GarciaDate:Diana Garcia, Project ManagerDate:Austine Osakwe, Senior EngineerReviewed by:Reviewed by:Annual Sidewalk Repair Program 23-24Page 4 of 8Printed 9/22/2023 @ 11:55 AM9/22/23