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BID SUMMARYBID OPENINGDATE: September 20, 2023Date Approved: 9/14/2023TIME: 3:00 p.m.LOCATION: City Clerk's OfficeITEMNO.ITEM UNIT COST ITEM COSTENGINEER'S ESTIMATEPROJECT TITLE:PROJECT NO.:BID NO.:QUANTITYAnnual Sidewalk Repair Program 23-242023.006023-24.005Prepared by: D. Garcia13 Provide traffic control plan and implement traffic control per section 601-2 with a flashing arrow panel28 EA$771.75 $21,609.0014 Provide traffic control plan and implement traffic control per section 601-2 without a flashing arrow panel91 EA$192.94 $17,557.3115 Provide temporary pedestrian walkway per section 600-310 EA$303.19 $3,031.8816 Remove existing pavers, trim roots, and install decomposed granite at existing tree well1 EA$551.25$551.2517 Install decomposed granite at empty tree well1 EA$937.13$937.1318 Furnish and install bicycle racks per drawing 618 case 31012 EA$992.25 $1,984.5019 Remove City Street Tree, 18” diameter at breast height and smaller20 EA$2,205.00 $44,100.0020 Remove City Street Tree, greater than 18” diameter at breast height7 EA$4,410.00 $30,870.0021 Trim Tree or brush obstructing area of work1 EA$120.00$120.0022 Remove existing stump9 CY$496.13 $4,465.1323 Relocate Existing Roadside Sign and Post per drawing 136 case 31019 EA$120.00 $1,080.00Kerex Engineering, Inc.4941 Pacheco Blvd.Martinez, CA 94553Phone: (925) 387-8913Fax: (925) 387-0853UNIT COST ITEM COST$300.00 $8,400.00$200.00 $18,200.00$1,000.00 $10,000.00$4,500.00 $4,500.00$4,500.00 $4,500.00$5,000.00 $10,000.00$2,000.00 $40,000.00$4,000.00 $28,000.00$3,000.00 $3,000.00$1,500.00 $13,500.00$500.00 $4,500.00Annual Sidewalk Repair Program 23-24Page 6 of 8Printed 9/22/2023 @ 11:55 AM