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� �:: r�•> � �-irn� ► ty � �•l � r: ray: ��c•»�a ► � l l �_1► � :z•� <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2023-182 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY <br />MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH AXON ENTERPRISES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF UP TO 38 <br />AXON FLEET 3 MOBILE AUDIO AND VIDEO CAMERAS WITH AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE READER <br />TECHNOLOGY FOR POLICE VEHICLES IN AN AMOUNT NOT -TO -EXCEED $544,315.75 AND TO AUTHORIZE <br />ADDITIONAL CUMULATIVE AGREEMENT AMENDMENTS UP TO 10% ($54,431.58) <br />WHEREAS, the San Leandro Police Department is committed to increasing its transparency and <br />accountability by supplementing their current Body Worn Cameras with Mobile Audio and Video (MAV) <br />cameras; and <br />WHEREAS, MAV systems, in addition to body worn camera videos, offer an unbiased view of the <br />interaction between Department members and the community; and <br />WHEREAS, Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) cameras have enhanced and aided crime <br />prevention and criminal investigations by discouraging criminals, alerting law enforcement to stolen or <br />wanted vehicles, and providing investigators with data on vehicles located within specified areas of the <br />City of San Leandro; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends a sole source finding under Cal. Public Contract Code section 3400 and <br />determination under San Leandro Municipal Code Section 1-6-315 that the purchase serves the best interests <br />of the City without competitive bidding to purchase up to thirty-eight (38) Axon Fleet 3 MAV cameras; and <br />WHEREAS, staff recommends executing an agreement for the purchase of thirty-eight (38) Axon <br />Fleet 3 MAV cameras with Axon Enterprises, Inc. for a contract term date of five years from the date of <br />execution; and <br />WHEREAS, this project will not exceed a cost of $544,315.75 over a five-year period, which <br />requires no adjustment to the FY2023-2024 (Account number 150-21-011-5311) or FY2024-2025 (010- <br />21-002-5311) Adopted Budget. The Police Department will request appropriations for FY 2025-2026, <br />FY 2026-2027, and FY 2027-2028 to continue to fund this project. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City of San Leandro City Council does RESOLVE as follows: <br />That a sole source funding is justified under Cal. Public Contract Code section 3400 to field test the <br />products for future use, and to match other products currently in use, and it is determined under San <br />Leandro Municipal Code §1-6-315 that this purchase serves the best interests of the City without <br />competitive bidding because of the unique features, including portability and scalability, of the <br />products and because of the compatibility and consistency of the proposed system with systems currently <br />in use; and <br />That the purchase of $544,315.75 is approved, and that the City Manager is authorized to execute <br />the said proposal and all other documents related to entering a contract with Axon Enterprises, Inc. <br />